University Research Ethics Committee


Established by Academic Senate Resolution no. 23 of 28.07.2020

The Committee is made up of the five professors who are members of the University Research and International Ranking Committee, appointed by Rectoral Decree for the same duration as the aforementioned appointment, and one technical-administrative staff member identified as the Head of the Research and Innovation Division, who also acts as the secretary taking minutes at the Committee's meetings.

The Committee carries out the above-mentioned functions in compliance with the principles of the University Statute, the University Code of Ethics and the Code of Ethics for Research Integrity.

Specifically, the Committee has the task of providing opinions, evaluations and feedback for the University professors in charge of scientific research projects, for the researchers who have developed a project with the University within the framework of programmes financed by third parties, and for any governing bodies, in order to ensure that research is carried out in accordance with the ethical principles defined by international, European and national regulations, by the University Code of Ethics and by the Research Integrity Code of the Università Politecnica delle Marche.

The Committee's responsibilities cover, among other things, research protocols involving people, such as but not limited to: collection of personal data; measurements of physiological cues and parameters; testing and validation of new measurement and/or intervention devices; interviews, observations and any collection and processing of personal data, as defined in the Personal Data Protection Code.

The above Committee is not responsible for any functions that the law reserves for ethics committees for clinical trials or for the ethics committees of other bodies, such as hospitals in particular, or for the Animal Welfare Body set up at the Università Politecnica delle Marche.



Composition of the Research Ethics Committee

Person Appointed
Marco Gatti
Alessandra Giuliani
Paolo Mariani
Nadia Raffaelli
Francesco Fatone
Member acting as minute taker
Francesca Campolucci