Advanced Course


Advanced Course of Minimally Invasive and trans-catheter Aortic valve interventions (for cardiac surgeons)


Advanced Course at Medicine and Surgery Faculty

The course is admitted 8 students, divided into 4 students for the first edition and 4 students for the second edition.




List of admitted candidates


Admission requirements:

The Course is exclusively open to candidates holding:

  • Specialization in Cardiac Surgery or
  • Specialization in Anesthesia, Resuscitation, Intensive Care and Pain or
  • Specialization in Diseases of the Cardiovascular System

or the same specializations related to previous denominations/systems.

Candidates holding a foreign academic qualification recognized by the coordinator comparable, for the purposes of admission to the Course, for duration and content, to the Italian qualifications required are also admitted.

The requirements must be possessed on the expiry date of the deadline for the submission of applications for admission to the Course.


Scope and purpose:

The treatment of patients with aortic valve stenosis has undergone a revolutionary evolution over the last decade with Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) representing > 50% of all aortic valve implants. Given such scenario, in order to remain a key player in the treatment of valvopathies, it is crucial the cardiac surgeon rapidly evolves by increasingly offering minimally invasive surgical interventions and embracing catheter-based techniques and technologies. By doing so, the surgeon will have the possibility of being able to offer the best therapeutic option to all patients without conflicts of interest and unparalleled competence.


Transferable skills:

The course, through frontal teaching and observation of interventions performed in the operating and hybrid room, is ideated to be highly interactive and aimed at expanding the knowledge miniAVR and TAVI. With regard to MiniAVR, approaches such as ministernotomy, anterolateral and transaxillary minithoracotomy for the exposure of the aortic valve will be taught in a thorough way so that these can then be applied by the learners independently. Additionally, a 360° multidisciplinary approach for miniAVR will be demonstrated by adding to reduced incisions the use of Minimally Invasive Extracorporeal Circulation (MiECC), ultrafast track anesthesia protocols and early ICU rehabilitation. With regard to TAVI, after providing CT-based preoperative planning and catheters principles, transfemoral TAVI will be demonstrated in step-by-step fashion with the aids of videos and, on day 3, directly in the hybrid room.


Course duration:

The duration of the course is three days (from May 4th until May 6th, 2022) and takes place during the academic year 2021/2022.

If the number of 8 admitted will be reached, a second edition of the course will be activated during the same academic year (from May 25th until May 27th, 2022).


Eventual admission test:

Access to the Course is made by selection according to the Curriculum vitae and a Professional Background Assessment Questionnaire (Partecipant form) for the evaluation of the applicant's professional background.


Admission procedure:

Before proceding with the registration, candidates are invited to carefilly read the Regulation for Admission.

Admission to the Advanced Course involves a compulsery phase described in art. 6 APPLICATION FOR THE REGISTRATION of the Regulation for Admissions.


Taxes and contributions:

The total amount of registration fee to pay for the subscription is established by the Administration committee of Università Politecnica delle Marche. The amount of fees to pay for the subscription to the Advanced Course is € 1.500,00 (following partial coverage through external funding) and includes continental A/R flights (EU) and hotel stay,  the insurance fee, the cost of the final certificate and the cost of € 48,00 for 3 virtual stamp duties of € 16,00 each.

These stamp duties are required to legally validate the application form, the request of the final certificate and the final certificate.

Regarding the payment methods, see the ART. 9 – PAYMENT OF TUITION FEES and ART. 10 - COMPLETION OF THE REGISTRATION of the Regulation of admission



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