Temporary suspension


Students can be granted suspension of their PhD program in the following cases:

a. maternity, according to the provisions set forth in the legislative decree n. 151 of 26th March 2001 and subsequent amendments, and in the ministerial decree of 12th July 2007, by using this procedure;
b. serious illness;
c. voluntary service;
d. professional training or internship, according to the provisions set forth in art.15 of ministerial decree n.249 of 10th September 2010.

Payment of scholarships will be discontinued during the suspension period and will be reinstated when the student resumes the PhD program.
If the period of suspension is longer than 2 months, financial arrangements will be reinstated only if no restrictions have been specified for programs financed by external bodies, in case of extensions over 3 years.


Ufficio Dottorato di Ricerca

Via Oberdan, 8 - 60122  Ancona

Tel: +39 071 2202217 - 2202356 - 2202388 - 2202443 - 2202324

Fax: +39  071 2202308
email: dottorato@sm.univpm.it