Student Regulation

Issued with D.R. 908 11 September 2023

For the sole purpose of making it easier to read, whenever the male form has been used in these Regulations, all terms are also to be understood to refer to the corresponding term of the female gender.



Art. 1- Definitions

Art. 2 - Scope



Art. 3 - Admission requirements for single cycle Bachelor's and Master's degree courses 

Art. 4 - Admission requirements for Master’s degree course 

Art. 5 - Admission requirements for limited enrolment courses

Art. 6 - Matriculating in courses

Art. 7 - Matriculating in post-graduate courses: Specialisation schools, advanced courses, university Master programmes and PhD courses

Art. 8- Simultaneous enrolment

Art. 9 - Matriculating with a foreign qualification

Art. 10 - Matriculating following an application for recognition of foreign academic qualifications- equivalence-

Art. 11 - Matriculating/enrolling part-time 

Art. 12- Matriculating with a shortened university course

Art. 13 - Matriculating with non-university activity recognition in credits

Art. 14 - Enrolment in individual modules

Art. 15 - Student ID, official email address, online service login credentials



Art. 16 - Enrolling in years subsequent to the first and rules for academic career progression

Art. 17 - Course attendance

Art. 18 Study Plan: submission and approval

Art. 19 – Recognition of study periods abroad as part of international mobility programs

Art. 20 - Examinations: definition and rules, admission, recording and possible annulment

Art. 21 Student Insurance

Art. 22 - Processing of personal data



Art. 23 - Changing course

Art. 24 - Outgoing Transfers 

Art. 25 - Incoming Transfers 

Art. 26 - Suspending Studies

Art. 27 - Interrupting studies



Art. 28 - Final test: Requirements for admission

Art. 29 - Final test: Characteristics and procedures

Art. 30 - Guidance figures for thesis work

Art. 31 - Issuing academic qualifications

Art. 32 - Honorary Master's degree/Doctorate

Art. 33 - Posthumous degree

Art. 34 - Withdrawing from university

Art. 35- Forfeiture



Art. 36- Tuition fees, contributions 

Art. 37 - Types of exemption and forms of support

Art. 38- Refunds



Art. 39- Certificates

Art. 40 - Diploma Supplement



Art. 41 - Participation in administrative procedures

Art. 42 - Access to administrative documents

Art. 43 - Fundamental Rights

Art. 44 - Discipline rules

Art. 45 - Disciplinary measures

Art. 46 - Recording disciplinary measures



Art. 47 Transitional Provisions

Art. 48 - Entry into force

Art. 49 - Regulation modifications

Art. 50 Final provisions

Art. 1- Definitions

For the purposes of this Regulation:

a) Module/Learning activity: any activity organised or planned by the University in order to ensure the cultural and professional training of the student community, including taught modules, seminars, practical or laboratory exercises, small-group teaching activities, mentoring, guidance, internships, projects, thesis, individual study and self-study activities.

b) Career: The set of pre-ordained aspects for achieving an academic qualification and covering the entire duration of study, starting from matriculation.

c) Course Board (CCS): All the teaching staff and representatives of the student community involved in the course.

d) Unified Course Board CUCS: All the teaching staff and representatives of the student community related to the course of the collegiate body.

e) Cohort: the student community enrolled in the first year of a given course, with reference to a specific academic year.

f) Teaching staff:
    Ø  permanent: professors (band I) and associate professors (band II).

    Ø  contracted: those who take up one or more teaching positions on the basis of a contract for the entrustment of specifically identified modules/activities.

g)  Courses: Bachelor's degree courses and Master's degree courses, single cycle or otherwise.

h)  Degree Courses: 1st cycle Bachelor's degree course, lasting three years.

i)   Master's Degree Course: 2nd cycle Master's degree course, lasting two years.

j)  Single cycle Master's Degree Course: 2nd cycle degree course, lasting five or six years.

(k) Credit: University Credit (ECTS) as per art. 5 of DM 270/2004 or the measure of the volume of work, including individual study, required of a student with adequate initial preparation for the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in the training activities provided for in the regulations of the course they are enrolled in.

l)  Ministerial Decree 270/04: D.M. no.270 dated 22nd October 2004, which states: “Amendments to the Regulation laying down rules concerning the educational autonomy of the Universities approved by Decree of the Minister of University and Scientific and Technological Research No 509 dated 3 November 1999”.

m) Department: The basic structure of the University; an autonomous organizational structure responsible for carrying out scientific research, teaching and training activities, as well as external activities related to them and ancillary to them.

n) Faculty: A structure for the coordination of the teaching activities of two or more departments within its scope, with regulatory, organizational, administrative and management autonomy within the limits set by the Administration, Finance and Accounting Regulations.

o) Course catalogue: All courses available in a given academic year.

q) Pre-requisites: A set of rules indicating the temporal and logical sequence of exam preparation and expressing the constraints in taking some examinations before passing others, determined in the Course Regulations.

r)  Academic Regulations: The University regulations issued pursuant to art. 11 of DM 270/2004 which contains all the didactic systems of the courses of the Università Politecnica delle Marche and which includes a general part concerning the didactic rules applied by the University for all courses.

s) Course Regulations: the set of rules, established by the individual relevant faculty/department, which govern the organization of the teaching activities specific to each single course.

t) 'Barrier': A set of educational rules - the acquisition of credits and/or attendance certificates- which prevent enrolment in subsequent years of the course, as determined in the Course Regulations.

u) Registrar’s Office: the office responsible for managing the courses in a specific Faculty or Department not coordinated in the Faculty.

v) University website:

(w) Statute: The Statute of autonomy of the Università Politecnica delle Marche, with successive amendments and additions to the first issue subsequent to Chancellor's decree dated 14th May 1998.

x) competent structure: Administrative office or faculty/department.

y) faculty/department: Faculty where established or Department not coordinated in Faculty.

z) Student: whoever is enrolled in a course at the University.

aa) TAF (Type of learning activity/module) A: activities in one or more of the core areas

bb) TAF B: activities in one or more of the course specific areas.

cc) TAF C: activities in one or more related areas.

dd) TAF D: activities independently chosen by the student.

ee) University:  Università Politecnica delle Marche.




Art. 2 - Scope

  1. By way of implementation of Article 31 of the Academic Regulations, these regulations define the administrative procedures for enrolling at the University and managing careers in compliance with the provisions of the University's Academic Regulations, Statute and national legislation.
  2. These Regulations apply to students enrolled in courses available at the University. They shall also apply, where compatible with the specific legislation, to students enrolled in Specialisation Schools, PhD courses, University Master programmes, advanced university courses and other types of training courses established at the University and not specifically mentioned.




Art. 3 - Admission requirements for single cycle Bachelor's and Master's degree courses

  1. To be admitted to a single-cycle Bachelor's or Master's degree course, you must either possess:
    • A five year Italian high school diploma;
    • A four year Italian high school diploma, with the relevant supplementary year;
    • A four-year high school diploma and in the absence of the relevant supplementary year, since no longer active, the training debt assigned by the Course Boards after individual assessment of the case;
    • A four-year high school diploma as per Ministerial Decree 567/2017;
    • A qualification obtained abroad following 12 (twelve) years of schooling, recognised as equivalent to the Italian diploma by the competent department/faculty. Qualifications obtained with fewer years of schooling are also admitted, provided that they comply with the conditions set by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) with its own provisions and better specified in art. 9;
    • A Bachelor's degree or university diploma or a diploma from a vocational upper secondary school and treated in accordance with the laws in force. Without prejudice to the possible acceptance of shortening the course, the candidate must have obtained the high school qualification required for enrolment and must prove so at the time of matriculation, together with the academic qualification.
  2. In addition, the verification of adequate initial preparation of the candidate is foreseen, as per regulation, by means of a non-selective preliminary test carried out in the form of a test or other form of assessment. The content and the procedures for carrying out such tests are established in the Course Regulations.
  3. Failure to pass the test does not affect matriculation. If the test to verify initial preparation is not passed, specific additional training requirements(OFA) are given. These must be completed in the first year of the course, as per the specific Course Regulations. Additional training requirements are also given to those enrolled in restricted access degree courses.
  4. The arrangements for testing and satisfying the additional requirements shall be published annually in the enrolment regulations.
  5. Faculties/departments support students who have been given initial additional training requirements by offering suitable revision courses.

Art. 4 - Admission requirements for Master’s degree course

  1. To be admitted to a Master's degree course you must have:
    • a Bachelor's degree from an Italian university;
    • a three-year university diploma obtained from an Italian university or a qualification equivalent to this under the laws in force;
    • a degree from a foreign university which is recognised by the competent academic bodies as equivalent to the Italian academic degree.
  2. In addition, curricular requirements and adequate personal preparation are required. Definitions and verification methods of these are established in the Course regulations and published annually in the rules of enrolment.
  3. Failure to meet the curricular requirements may result in the need to complement the previous university career by passing examinations for individual modules, suggested by the board responsible for verifying the fulfilment of the access requirements. In such a case, the candidate must obtain the missing requirements before matriculation, since it is not possible to matriculate in a Master's degree with lacking training requirements.
  4. Failure to pass the test required to ensure adequate personal preparation shall prejudice the possibility of matriculation.

Art. 5 - Admission requirements for limited enrolment courses

  1. Admission to restricted access courses requires passing a public selection. At the University, restricted access courses may be established at local or national level, in accordance with the relevant legislation.
  2. For courses with a national program, the number of places and general rules are established annually by ministerial decree.
  3. The University issues annual calls for selection in accordance with the requirements laid down in the aforementioned decree, regulating the terms and conditions for participation in the selection, the rules for the carrying out tests and the procedures following the publication of the final merit rankings.
  4. The calls for application are all published on the University website.
  5. In order to be admitted to a limited enrolment course, in addition to the required qualification referred to in Articles 3 and 4, it is necessary to be in a suitable position in the ranking list established after the exam.


Art. 6 - Matriculating in courses

  1. Matriculation is the administrative act which gives the status of “university student” by means of an application to be submitted in accordance with the access procedures and deadlines established annually by measures that the competent bodies adopt. This is without prejudice to the annual provisions laid down in the specific calls for admission to the limited enrolment courses at local and national level in accordance with the relevant legislation in force.
  2. Regular matriculation must be carried out using the on-line procedure made available by the University in the manners outlined below.
  3. Those wishing to matriculate must register and complete their matriculation application online. Once the required data has been entered, the application confirmation will be made following the indications given in the annual enrolment regulations, published on the University website.
  4. At the end of the matriculation procedure, a student ID number will be assigned. This number remains even in the event of a course change within the University. In the event of a new matriculation, following withdrawal from studies or the completion of another degree, a new student ID number is given.
  5. Anyone who is a teacher on the same course cannot matriculate in that course.
  6. Anyone who has graduated in a course in a given category, or in a course of an older academic system equivalent to it, may matriculate in another course in the same category. However, it is not possible to re-matriculate in the same course of study, even if there are different curricular activities.
  7. Conditional matriculation

There is also the possibility of “conditional matriculation” if the enrolment in two courses refers to different academic years, and in addition one of the following conditions is met:

  • the student matriculating in a free-access course acquires their academic qualification for the first course by the last possible session of the academic reference year;
  • the student matriculating in a restricted access course must only have their final exam left to complete, which must be passed by the first possible session following matriculation in the new course, or within the time limit laid down in the calls for admission.

Art. 7 - Matriculating in post-graduate courses: Specialisation schools, advanced courses, university Master programmes and PhD courses

  1. The administrative procedures relating to admissions, matriculations and careers of those enrolled in specialisation schools, advanced courses, university Master programmes and PhD courses are governed by the relevant national legislation, the appropriate University Regulations and the calls for admission, as well as by the provisions of art. 11 of the Academic Regulations.

Art. 8- Simultaneous enrolment

  1. It is possible to enrol simultaneously in two different courses at the same University or at different Universities or Institutions of Higher Artistic and Musical Education, both Italian and foreign, as provided for by Law No 33 dated 12/04/2022 and its implementing decrees.
    Simultaneous enrolment is allowed in:
    a) two different Bachelor's or Master's degree courses, provided that the courses belong to different degree categories and that the two courses differ in at least 2/3 of the learning activities;
    b) a Bachelor's degree course and a Master's degree course, provided that the necessary access requirements are met;
    c) a degree or Master's degree course and a Master programme, PhD course or specialisation course, with the exception of medical specialisation courses;
    d) a PhD or Master programme and a specialisation course, including in the medical sector, subject to evaluation by the respective collegiate bodies to verify that the conditions for acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve the training objectives of each course are met. In particular, simultaneous enrolment in a PhD and a medical specialisation course is regulated by art. 14 of the University's PhD Regulations.
    It is also possible to enrol simultaneously in a PhD course and a Master programme subject to evaluation by the respective collegiate bodies to verify that the conditions for acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve the training objectives of each course are met
  1. If one of the two courses, as regulated in the respective teaching regulations, has compulsory attendance, enrolment in a second course not subject to attendance requirements is permitted unless the obligation relates only to laboratory activities and traineeships.
  2. If you enroll in two local limited enrolment courses, you must be placed in a suitable position in the rankings of both courses.
  3. Students must declare their wish to have simultaneous enrolment in a second course and must self-certify that they meet the requirements for dual enrolment when they matriculate and annually during the course of their studies. If one of the courses is not at this University, this declaration must be submitted to both universities concerned.
  4. If the student self-certifies their simultaneous enrolment in two single cycle Bachelor's or Master's degrees, the relevant faculty/department will proceed to verify the differentiation of at least 2/3 of the learning activities of the two courses (according to the D.M. 930/2022). For the purposes of this verification, the student must attach their course study plan if required. On the event that the differentiation is to be calculated between courses of different durations, the calculation of two thirds is based on the shorter course. 


Art. 9 - Matriculating with a foreign qualification

  1. Matriculation in courses for those with foreign qualifications is governed by specific ministerial provisions defined annually and published in the enrolment regulations.
  2. The ministerial provisions concerning the admission of international students to university courses are contained in the annually issued ministerial notes and can be consulted on the specific MUR website.
    International candidates can obtain further information from the Italian diplomatic representations abroad.
  1. The competent bodies assess the validity of foreign diplomas for matriculation purposes, in compliance with the aforementioned ministerial provisions and in implementation of existing international agreements.
  2. Matriculation in single-cycle Bachelor's and Master's degree courses is only permitted after a period of study of no fewer than 12 (twelve) years. Where the local school system foresees shorter schooling periods, the candidate is required to prove that they attended university, passing the relevant examinations, for a number of years equal to the minimum requirement of 12 years of schooling prior to accessing university courses. It is not possible to request validation for these exams.
  3. For restricted access courses, matriculation of non-European Union (EU) nationals who reside abroad is carried out in compliance with the number scheduled annually by the University, published on the MUR website, and after having verified that they have passed the Italian language test, where required.
  4. Direct access to the courses without quota limitation shall be granted to:
    • EU citizens, wherever they reside;
    • non-EU citizens who have a legal residence permit in Italy;
    • Italian citizens with a foreign qualification.
  1. The list of documents required for matriculation purposes can be found in the enrolment regulations.


Art. 10 - Matriculation following an application for recognition of foreign academic qualifications - equivalence

  1. An academic qualification obtained from a foreign university may be declared equivalent to, or of equal value for all legal purposes to, the corresponding qualification awarded by the University, on the basis of specific provisions contained in bilateral or plurilateral international agreements. In such a case, recognition shall be granted by the Chancellor.
  2. Candidates with a foreign academic qualification may request recognition of their qualification with the corresponding Italian academic qualification by submitting their request to the Registrar's Office in accordance with the procedures indicated below and the terms established in the enrolment regulations.
  3. By virtue of the autonomy granted to universities, according to law, for the purposes of access to, continuation of and achievement of Italian university degrees, after deliberation of the relevant academic bodies, the request for equivalence may culminate in:
    a) full recognition of the course carried out abroad and simultaneous issue of the equivalent Italian qualification, after compliant matriculation and payment of the fee to print the degree certificate, the regional tax for the right to university education and the stamp duty and the fees set by the Board of Directors;
    b) partial recognition of the education career carried out abroad, with evaluation and recognition of the learning activities carried out in the foreign university in credits and admission to the final exam, with total dispensation from the assessment tests prescribed by the regulations of the corresponding course. In this case, too, compliant matriculation and payment of the regional tuition fee for the right to university education and stamp duty must be carried out;
    c) shortening of the course, with evaluation and recognition of the learning activities carried out in foreign universities in credits and admission to a given year of the course. In this case it is necessary to proceed with matriculation according to the provisions of art. 6.
  4. In the absence of such international agreements, and in all the cases referred to in paragraph 3, letters a) and b) above, the Academic Senate shall decide on the application for recognition on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the relevance of studies completed abroad. The decision shall be taken, after a favourable opinion of the Faculty/Department Board, on a proposal from the course boards. The declaration of full equivalence of the foreign qualification to the Italian one is made by Chancellor's decree. In addition to the usual information, the degree certificate shall contain the regulatory or Chancellor's provisions that were used to declare equivalence. 


    The candidate may appeal against the decision taken by the Academic Senate within 30 days of receipt of the notification.
  6. Citizens of non-European Union countries residing abroad who apply for recognition of a foreign academic qualification must demonstrate their knowledge of the Italian language, where required.
  7. The application for recognition of a foreign academic qualification must be accompanied by the following documents:
    - qualification obtained at a University or post-secondary qualification obtained at a non-university Institute which locally allows the continuation of university studies at the next level. The suitability of the qualification to access the chosen course is assessed by applying for a declaration of value or a certificate of comparability produced by the Italian ENIC-NARIC Centre (CIMEA). In addition, the truthfulness of the academic documents submitted is verified by one of the following means:
      - the request for apostilles and legalised documents;
      - the request for certificates of verification produced by the Italian ENIC-NARIC centre (CIMEA);
      - direct contact with the foreign institution;
      - the use of online verification tools;
    - certificate issued by the relevant University - duly confirmed by the diplomatic representation - certifying the examinations passed, as well as detailed syllabus for each subject leading to the qualification and the number of hours foreseen for each module and the marks obtained. This certificate must be accompanied by an official translation by the relevant diplomatic representatives in the country where the qualification was obtained. Programs may be produced in one of the following languages: Italian or English;
    - further education studies (examinations and credits) which are already completed can be attested by the “Diploma Supplement”, where adopted.



Art. 11 - Matriculating/enrolling part-time

  1. The rules contained in this Article only apply to candidates wishing to matriculate/enroll in a Bachelor's or Master's degree, with the exclusion of national or local degree course programs.
  2. The status of "part-time student" may be requested by those who need to extend the duration of the course for more years than the normal duration.
  3. Such status is held for a minimum of two consecutive academic years and may be obtained for a maximum period equal to twice the normal duration of the course. The average amount of learning work carried out in a year under part-time study is, as per regulation, 30 ECTS credits and must not exceed 60 ECTS credits in the two-year period. Students who opt for part-time study are given the same study plan offered to full time students, but have a longer time to acquire the credits needed to graduate.
  4. Part-time status may be requested at the time of matriculation or enrolment in the following year, within the regular time limits set annually by the Academic Senate. This status is maintained for the period referred to in paragraph 3 above, except for withdrawal, which may take place only after the end of the minimum period of two academic years.
  5. For students enrolled part-time, there is a reduction in the amount of tuition fees and taxes payable. The percentage of this reduction is provided for in the Tuition Fee Regulations. The abovementioned reduction is not applicable to the Regional tuition fee for the right to study or the stamp duty.
  6. Part time students are excluded from the right to study benefits provided directly by the University, except for specific provisions in the granting measures (fees and contribution exemption benefits, scholarships, student collaborations, mentoring grants, etc.).
  7. Part-time enrolment is not permitted for 'fuori corso' students who have already attended all their modules.



Art. 12- Matriculating with a shortened university course

  1. It is possible to matriculate with a shortened course. This means following and concluding a course in fewer years than the normal course duration, with the exception of restricted access courses in the health area, for those with knowledge and skills acquired as a result of:
    a) university studies at Italian or foreign universities;
    b) acquisition of credits following enrolment in individual modules at Italian Universities.
    Such knowledge and skills shall be recognised as credits provided that they are relevant to the course undertaken.
    Matriculation in a shortened restricted access course in the health sector is granted only to those who pass the admission test, subject to verification of the university studies completed, if there are available places that are not covered by the call for entry for years subsequent to the first year of the academic year of the admission procedure. 
  2. Those who meet even one of the conditions referred to in points a) and b) of the preceding paragraph must, at the time of matriculation, apply for recognition of previous learning activities by submitting an application to the relevant academic bodies. The application and the related documentation shall be forwarded to the Registrar's Office, which, according to the limits established by the didactic system and the training relating to the cohort of origin, provides for conditional matriculation for the requested course year. The recognition of credits and the assignment of the course year the student is to matriculate in shall be decided by the Course Board/Unified Course Board CUCS on the basis of the criteria set out in the individual Course Regulations.
  3. In years following matriculation, it is possible to apply for recognition of the activities referred to in paragraph 1 in the same way as described in the previous paragraph; in this case, regardless of the number of credits recognised by the Course Board/Unified Course Board CUCS, it is not possible to shorten the normal course duration.
  4. Those who already hold a Bachelor's or Master's degree and who wish to obtain a further Bachelor's or Master's Degree respectively, may not access benefits granted to those who are capable and deserving but in poor economic conditions.
  5. The procedures for recognising learning activities and awarding the marks obtained are governed by specific rules called “Guidelines for the recognition of university and non-university ECTS credits”, annexed to these Regulations (Annex 1).


Art. 13 - Matriculating with non- university activity recognition in credits

  1. It is possible to ask for recognition of non-university activities in credits, as provided for by art. 9, paragraph 15, of the Academic Regulations, in compliance with the limit established in the same paragraph of the aforementioned Regulations, for students who:
    a) have carried out learning activities aimed at acquiring professional knowledge and skills;
    b) possess knowledge and skills gained in higher education level learning activities which universities have helped design and implement.
    As regards the methods for the recognition of the above-mentioned non-university activities, reference is made to the specific rules contained in the “Guidelines for the recognition of university and non-university credits” annexed to these Regulations (Annex 1).
  2. Students who meet even only one of the conditions referred to in points a) and b) of the preceding paragraph must, after matriculation, apply annually for any previous non-university learning activities to be recognised within the deadlines set by the Academic Senate. The application and relevant documentation must be submitted to the Registrar's Office, who then in turn forwards it to the decision-making body responsible for identifying which curricular learning activities can be recognised, based on a careful assessment.
  3. The procedures for recognising learning activities and awarding the marks obtained are governed by special rules called “Guidelines for the recognition of university and non-university credits”, which are annexed to these Regulations (Annex 1).


Art. 14 - Enrolment in individual modules

  1. For curricular purposes, enrolling in single modules of courses available at the University, and therefore acquiring the relative credits, without having to matriculate in the course itself, is possible for those who:
    a) have Italian or foreign qualifications enabling them to enrol in the course the individual module relates to;
    b) are enrolled in a course at an Italian or foreign university if the individual module is not part of their study plan;
    c) are enrolled in a PhD course, a Master programme or an advanced course.
    In relation to the enrolment procedures and terms for international students residing abroad, reference is made to the rules for access to university courses issued annually by the MUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research). In any case, the qualification or certificate of enrolment in another University must be submitted, once translated and legalised by the competent Italian Diplomatic Authority.
  2. Those only enrolled in an individual module do not have “student status” because they are not enrolled in any course. Those enrolled in individual modules therefore may not vote, actively or passively, in the student elections and neither are they entitled to any Right to Study benefits.
  3. The application must be submitted to the Registrar's Office during the periods established annually by the Academic Senate. In exceptional and duly documented cases, subject to the authorisation of the competent faculty/department, applications may be accepted for enrolment after the lessons have started or outside the teaching period and the relevant examination may be registered, subject to payment of a late penalty fee. 
  4. Enrolment is subject to the payment of fees and contributions governed by the Tuition Fee Regulations referred to herein.
  5. The module exams, for which attendance is obtained through enrolment, must be taken by the last available session of the academic year of enrolment. For those who do not take the examinations by that deadline, the administrative position will be closed automatically and to gain the credits applicants must re-enrol, subject to payment of the relevant fees and contributions.
  6. Students already enrolled in restricted access courses in the health sector cannot enroll in individual modules. Those who have interrupted or suspended their studies, even at another University, may not enrol in individual modules.
  7. The individual in question may enrol in a number of modules not exceeding a total of 30 credits per academic year.
  8. It is possible to obtain a certification of enrolment in individual modules and of passing the relevant assessment tests, according to the current regulations.
  9. Credits acquired by passing individual module exams may be recognised upon subsequent enrolment a course at the University. Such recognition by the Course Board / Unified Course Board may not exceed 60 ECTS credits for a Bachelor's degree and 30 credits for a Master's degree.


Art. 15 - Student ID, official email address, online service login credentials

  1. After matriculation, the University issues all students with their credentials to access computer services. Where applicable, a chip card - student ID card- is also issued for the use of certain services (car park, access to libraries, attendance, etc.) and an academic record booklet where the professional learning activities or internship or practical activities are recorded.
  2. The student ID and the academic record booklet must be returned to the Registrar's Office before the date of the final exam, or in the event of transfer, course change or withdrawal from studies.
  3. In the event of loss, destruction or theft, or if the badge is in poor condition, students must ask for a duplicate by submitting a request to the administrative offices responsible for issuance, with payment of the fee established by the Board of Directors. If stolen, the report made to the competent authorities regarding this event must be attached to the request.
  4. The student is responsible for the proper storage and use of their booklet and badge.
  5. At the time of matriculation, a personal area is activated where students can use reserved services and access information about their academic career. The area is accessed through strictly personal university credentials. These credentials are used as an authentication tool for online services offered by the University. The declarations and requests forwarded via the personal area comply with the provisions of Articles 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree 445/2000.
  6. In addition, an e-mail address is assigned upon matriculation and this is the preferential channel for communication with the University.
  7. The student has a duty to check their personal area, the university website and their inbox, since these tools are used by the university for notifications relating to university careers.




Art. 16 - Enrolling in years subsequent to the first and rules for academic career progression

  1. Enrolment must be renewed continuously and until graduation.
  2. Enrolment in years subsequent to the first is obtained by payment of the first instalment of tuition fees due in the period fixed from 15th July to 5th November each year.
    This payment shows the student's wish to enrol and there is no obligation for any further action.
  3. The terms and conditions are established annually by the Academic Senate when defining the rules for enrolment in courses. Enrolment renewal beyond the above-mentioned time limits entails the obligation to pay a late penalty fee, the amount of which is fixed by the Board of Directors during the annual deliberation of tuition fees.
  4. The introduction of “barriers” for enrolment in the following year may only take place for didactic reasons. Students must obtain the number of credits foreseen to overcome the 'barrier' within the deadline set in the Course Regulations or another date decided by the Academic Senate.
  5. As far as teaching is concerned, the academic career follows the rules indicated in the Course Regulations.
  6. It is possible to enrol as: “'in corso' student” (student enrolled for a number of years within the standard duration of their course), “repeating student”, “'fuori corso' student” (students enrolled for a number of years beyond the standard duration of their course).
  7. A student renewing their enrolment and obtaining their degree in a number of years equal to the legal duration of the course is enrolled as an 'in corso' student.
  8. A “repeating” student enrolment is for:
    a) students who fail to complete their additional training requirements (OFA) in the first year by the deadline established in paragraph 4 above;
    b) students who do not comply with the attendance obligations foreseen to go into the next year of the course, in accordance with Course Regulations.

    The years of repetition are, in any case, counted for the purpose of calculating forfeiture.

  9. A 'fuori corso' student enrolment is for:
    c) students who do not have the 'barrier' requirements, if relevant, or who have not acquired the credits to go on to the next course year by the date referred to in paragraph 4 above (intermediate 'fuori corso');
    d) students who have already enrolled in all the learning activities provided for in their study plan (for free-access courses), or complied with all the attendance requirements (for courses where it is compulsory), but have not yet acquired the relevant credits ('fuori corso' in the last year);
    e) students who have already enrolled in all the learning activities provided for in the study plan (for free-access courses), or complied with all the attendance requirements (for courses where it is compulsory), but have not yet acquired the relevant credits and intend to enroll in new learning activities, even if additional, under type D or in the field of type A, B and C ('fuori corso' in the last year);
    f) students who, having been enrolled in one year of their course and having met the requirements for enrolment in the following year, have not applied for and obtained this enrolment for the entire duration of study interruption ('fuori corso' for the years of interruption).
  10. 'Fuori corso' students already comply with the attendance requirements for all learning activities in their study plan, except for the insertion or replacement of new modules in their study plan in the year of enrolment. The relevant faculty or department may authorise examinations to be taken even during teaching periods.
  11. The cohort of origin may be changed, except for restricted access courses, when the Course Regulations have undergone such a substantial change in nature over academic years that it is impossible to remain in the original cohort. In this case, the student will be assigned to the cohort of students who enroll regularly for that academic year and they will need to have their previous academic career validated.
  12. The status of “conditionally enrolled” is foreseen in the period between the date of enrolment and the date of meeting the 'barrier' criteria, where provided for in the course Regulations.
    In such cases, conditional enrolment shall be settled automatically if the foreseen conditions are met.

    Otherwise, the student's enrolment status is considered 'repeating'.

Art. 17 - Course attendance

  1. The university's educational organisation guarantees the right for students to attend the activities included in the course catalogue during the academic year.
  2. The student has the right/responsibility to attend lessons and to participate in all the activities provided for by their Course Regulations, in accordance with the procedures provided for by said Regulations.
  3. In the case of courses with compulsory attendance, the teaching staff are responsible for checking the attendance requirements are met for the courses they are in charge of.
    In this case, at the beginning of the relevant teaching period, the Registrar's Office sends the teaching staff a list of those who have been enrolled in the module.
    If failed attendance not reported, attendance will be considered acquired and will be recorded under the student's academic career in the University management system. The same procedure also applies to a single module with obligatory attendance.


Art. 18 Study Plan: submission and approval

  1. After matriculation or enrolment in years subsequent to the first, the students are required to present their study plans electronically, within the annual deadline set by the Academic Senate, by the 30th November.
  2. Students are responsible for correctly completing their study plans, with particular reference to compliance with all the rules laid down in the Course Regulations. Failure to do so results in them not being eligible for the graduation exam.
  3. The Study Plan may be submitted in the following ways:
    • standard study plan. This is a study plan that meets the standards recommended by the appropriate bodies and is automatically approved;
    • personalised study plan. This is a study plan that does not correspond to the standards recommended by the appropriate bodies and so must be submitted to them for approval. In any case, the ECTS credits required cannot be waived;
    • if the plan is not submitted, a statutory study plan will be assigned, i.e. a plan whose optional activities provided for in the degree are chosen by the relevant bodies and then automatically approved.
  1. Once approved by the relevant bodies or by the Commission, the standard or personal or statutory study plan is no longer modifiable after application for admission to the final examination has been submitted.
  2. Students can insert excess credits in their study plan. However, these must not exceed 12 credits out of the total foreseen in the Course and they must be type "D" - elective -. The inclusion of these credits is allowed in the annually fixed period for submitting plans, with the exception of restricted access courses in the health sector. The same rule applies to credits for activities that are selected independently, i.e. they can be chosen from the courses offered in accordance with the course regulations, at the same level of training as the student is enrolled in; it is therefore not possible for those enrolled in a Bachelor's degree to take examinations from Master's degree courses and vice versa. Excess modules do not have to be taken in order to graduate. The Registrar’s Office is authorised to accept the request to cancel any excess exams not taken, and already approved in the plan, when applying to graduate.
  3. Course modules of the national medical and health sector cannot be included in study plans by students who are not enrolled in these courses.


Art. 19 – Recognition of study periods abroad as part of international mobility programs

  1. Upon their return to Italy, students authorised to spend a study period abroad, pursuant to art. 22 of the Academic Regulations of the University, are required to give the International Relations Office the certification from their Host regarding the successful completion of learning activities and the related credits, where provided, in order to obtain “full academic recognition”. “Full academic recognition” is guaranteed by the University if the learning activity is authorised in advance in the Learning Agreement or similar document, which must be completed before leaving.
  2. For every degree course, the learning activities that can be recognised are identified in Annex 1 to this Regulation.
  3. The Delegate for International Mobility shall ensure the conversion of foreign marks and insert them into the management system. The Registrar's Office then transfers the validations into the student's academic career.
  4. The learning activities recognised in the field of international mobility shall be recorded in the management system both for attendance and tests, in accordance with Annex 1.


Art. 20 - Examinations: definition and rules, admission, recording and possible annulment

Definitions and rules

  1. Examination means any test or verification aimed at ascertaining the expected learning outcomes of the student, carried out before an Examining Board following the rules laid down in the Course Regulations, in accordance with the general rules established by the Academic Regulations and with respect for the rights of the student community.
  2. Those responsible for the assessment for each examination are: 
    a) The teacher in charge of the module by teaching post, substitution or temporary contract, with a single-disciplinary module or a coordinated module, if provided in face-to-face teaching mode;
    b) The teacher who is entrusted with the responsibility of a single-disciplinary module or coordinated module provided in alternative ways to face to face teaching (seminars, workshop activities, internships, etc.).
  3. For integrated courses, the Board is made up of all those responsible for the modules forming the courses, with a minimum of two members, and chaired by the Course Coordinator.
  4. In the case of single-disciplinary courses, the Board shall consist of at least two members and shall be chaired by the person responsible for the module. 
  5. The teacher in charge of the assessment shall ensure that the test is carried out correctly in accordance with this Regulation. The result of the test is recorded in the student's academic career. 
  6. In the assessment procedures, all those who have contributed to the different assessment phases shall participate in the assessment. Written tests or other papers shall be kept for one academic year by the teacher responsible for the module. 
  7. The teacher shall be personally responsible for compliance with the rules relating to the correct registration of examination marks. 
  8. The examination calendar is established by the Department of reference or the Faculty, where established, after consulting the teaching staff, within the limits of what is provided for in these Regulations and in the Academic Regulations. The examination calendar dates must be published before the start of the lessons and in any case no later than two months before the start of the session.
  9. Multiple exam sessions are scheduled for each academic year and multiple exam dates may be planned for each session.
  10. In conjunction with the deadlines for admission to the final test, when defining the exam calendar, due consideration shall be given to the administrative deadlines for those applying to graduate. Therefore, the last available date is no later than 15 working days prior to the start date of the graduation session.



  1. Students can only take examinations for the modules included in their Study Plan, including optional or additional activities that have been regularly attended, respecting the prescribed preparatory activities and any "barriers".
  2. In order to be eligible to take the exams, students must register in advance for the exam date, using the online procedure. Students must come to exams with a valid ID document and the teacher in charge shall admit them after checking their ID document.
  3. In accordance with the Charter of Students' Rights and Responsibilities, students can withdraw from the examination to improve their marks. In this case, the candidate is registered as ‘withdrawn’ from the examination and this has no effect on their academic career.
  4. An exam that has been registered as passed or validated by the competent department or faculty may not be retaken.
  5. Students are entitled to take module examinations in years following the year in which they were enrolled or attended, in the same manner, with the same programme and teacher as the year resulting from their Study Plan. If the teacher is no longer a teacher on the module in the year the examination is taken, the competent department or faculty shall appoint a specific Examining Board.


Recording and possible annulment

  1. Examination results are recorded by means of a computerised procedure which produces a report to be digitally signed by the Chairperson of the Examining Board.
  2. The report shall be stored digitally in accordance with the rules governing the storage of administrative documents.
  3. For recording examination results, the following guidelines shall be followed:
    a) if there is only an oral exam, the result shall be published within 5 days;
    b) if there is only a written exam, the time frame and manner for notifying the test results will be communicated to the student on the day of the test. The examination results shall be published no later than 20 days after the exam;
    c) if there is a written exam followed by an oral exam, the outcome of the written part shall be communicated before the oral part is taken, within 15 days;


The student has the right to accept or refuse their proposed examination mark, using the computerised procedure, within 3 (three) days of its publication. If the mark is not refused within that time limit, the mark shall be deemed to have been accepted and the Chairperson of the Examining Board shall definitively record the mark.

The date the exam is recorded must be the same as the date the exam was taken.


If the Chairperson of the Examining Board finds that there is a material error in mark recording, a change may be made subject to a written request from the Chairperson of the Examining Board and subject to a favourable opinion expressed by the Deans or Directors of the Department. This shall then be sent to the competent registrar's offices, who will reopen the minutes in order to allow the mark to be changed.


When recording the mark in the student's academic career, should it come to light that the student had not met the requirements for admission to the exam, the Registrar's Office will annul the exam by executive decision. The student and the Chairperson of the Examining Board shall be notified of this measure.



Art. 21 Student Insurance

  1. While carrying out university activities within its facilities, the University provides accident insurance cover to:
    • those who are enrolled in courses, including PhD courses, and specialisation schools;
    • those in training and orientation;
    • collaborator students, or rather, students who have a part time work contract.
  1. Information on the policies taken out can be found in the students' Personal area.
  2. Insurance coverage for third party liability (R.C.T.) will also be guaranteed as part of the university activities.
  3. Upon written request, a specific insurance coverage statement can be issued.


Art. 22 - Processing of personal data

  1. The processing of personal and sensitive data of the student community is carried out in accordance with the provisions contained in legislative Decree No 196/2003, as amended by legislative Decree No 101/2018 as well as the GDPR – EU Regulation 679 of 2016.





Art. 23 - Changing course

  1. Changing course occurs when, after matriculating in their course, and in any year of the course, students formally apply for and obtain enrolment in another course of the same or other Department in the University.
  2. The application must be submitted within the period established annually by the Academic Senate, from 15th July to 5th November. Applications submitted after the abovementioned deadline and up to December shall be accepted with a late penalty fee.
    After that period, duly reasoned applications shall be subject to the payment of an additional late penalty fee.
  3. In order to change to the first year of a limited enrolment course, students must take and pass the foreseen admission test and be suitably placed in the ranking.
    To change course in years subsequent to the first, students must be suitably placed in the ranking list of the call for enrolment in years after the first.
  4. In the same academic year, it is only possible to apply for one course change, except for those who are admitted to limited enrolment courses.
    In any case, it is necessary to meet the access requirements for admission to the new course.
  5. Those who wish to move to another degree class provided for in the training, curriculum or system are required to submit a specific application when applying for validation and within the enrolment terms.
  6. The procedures for recognising learning activities and awarding the marks obtained are governed by specific rules called “Guidelines for the recognition of university and non-university credits”, attached to these Regulations (Annex 1).
  7. Students must declare if they are also enrolled in a second degree course at another university when they submit their application.


Art. 24 - Outgoing Transfers 

  1. It is possible to transfer to another University during the period established annually by the Academic Senate, from 15th July to 5th November, and following the procedures indicated by the Registrar's Office of reference for the initial course. Applications submitted after the abovementioned deadline and up to December shall be accepted with a late penalty fee. After that period, duly reasoned applications shall be subject to the payment of an additional late penalty fee.
  2. If transferring to a limited enrolment course, clearance from the receiving University must be attached to the application.
  3. Transfer applicants are not required to pay the first instalment of fees for the academic year they apply to leave. However, they are required to settle any past debts and to pay a specific contribution called the ‘transfer registration fee’, the amount of which is defined in the Tuition Fees Regulations.
    This fee is not due if the first and second instalments of fees and contributions have been paid.
  4. From the date the transfer application is submitted, no further academic career development is permitted.
  5. If the transferred student returns to the University without having carried out further academic career development, they shall be reinstated into their previous career. This provision does not apply to students originating from limited enrolment courses. However, it is not possible to return to the University in the same academic year of transfer, unless there are serious reasons for doing so.
  6. Those who apply to transfer to another university must first seek clearance from the library and ERDIS (Regional Authority for Access to Education), which will verify that there are no outstanding debts.



Art. 25 - Incoming Transfers

  1. Incoming transfer from another university is when students already enrolled in a course apply to their University of origin and obtain permission to continue their studies at the Università Politecnica delle Marche.
  2. It is possible to transfer to courses at the University during the period established annually by the Academic Senate, from 15th July to 5th November and following the procedures indicated by the Registrar's Office of reference for the destination course.
    Applications submitted after that deadline and up to December are subject to a late penalty fee. After that period, duly reasoned applications shall be subject to the payment of an additional late penalty fee.
  3. The application for transfer shall be accepted even if enrolment at the University of origin has not been renewed.
  4. The incoming University does not recognise any amounts which may have been paid at the University of origin by those who have already renewed their enrolment for the academic year they apply to transfer in. Therefore, the full amount must be paid, including the regional tuition fee for the right to university education, with the exception of cases of transfer to universities within the Marche region, and without prejudice to any exemption granted.
  5. The competent faculty/department shall decide on the continuation of studies in accordance with the rules governing the course assigned to the student, after verifying the access requirements for admission to the course.
  6. It is only possible to return to the university of origin in the academic year of the transfer in cases where students have not completed any academic career activity, except for paying the first instalment of tuition fees.
  7. No two transfers can be made in the same academic year, except for restricted access courses.
  8. Transfers to deactivated courses are not accepted.
  9. To transfer to limited enrolment courses, it is necessary to pass the entry test to enrol in the first year. Since it is only possible to enrol in subsequent years within the limits of the places available following withdrawals and transfers in the year of reference, it is necessary to participate in the call for applications for years subsequent to the first and be placed in a suitable position in the ranking list.
  10. Conditional enrolment of candidates placed in the merit ranking list for access to a limited enrolment course is permitted pending the transmission of documentation from the university of origin, upon self-declaration that the application to transfer or withdraw has been made..
  11. The competent faculty/department shall examine the previous academic career and determine its development.
  12. The procedures for recognising learning activities and awarding the marks obtained are governed by special rules called “Guidelines for the recognition of university and non-university credits”, which are annexed to these Regulations (Annex 1).


Art. 26 - Suspending Studies

  1. Those who are compliant with tuition fees and contributions may apply to temporarily suspend their studies, for a period of not less than one academic year and not more than the legal duration of the course, in the following cases:
    • enrolment in other university courses where simultaneous enrolment is not allowed, with the exception of degree courses with obligatory attendance;
    • holders of a research fellowship;
    • course at Italian military training institutes (also affiliated with public universities);
    • participation in the student-athlete “double career” program

      Suspension may also be requested in the following cases: 
      - birth or adoption of a child in the year corresponding to or following the date of birth or adoption;
      - for serious and duly documented health issues, for the academic years involved;
      - for carrying out voluntary civil or military service, for the academic year or years in which it is carried out.
  1. The request for suspension must be submitted to the Registrar's Office within the terms of enrolment in the academic year and waives the payment of tuition fees, since there is no active enrolment in the current year. Suspension may only be requested during the year in exceptional cases, subject to the starting dates of the course to be attended or to the events leading to the application for suspension, duly documented. In such cases, payment of fees and contributions for the academic year students resume their studies is recognised, subject to any possible balance adjustment.
  2. For students enrolled in courses with obligatory attendance, suspension is accepted subject to deliberation of the competent faculty/department.
  3. During the period of suspension, it is not permitted to carry out any academic career development or to use any educational or administrative services. Any examinations taken in violation of this policy will be automatically annulled.
  4. The period of suspension shall not be taken into account for the purposes of obtaining the benefits for the right to study and shall suspend the forfeiture conditions.
  5. To reactivate their academic career, students must submit an application within the time limits and following the procedures established in the annual enrolment rules.


Art. 27 - Interrupting studies 

  1. It is possible for students to interrupt their studies, through the non-renewal of enrolment, or the non-payment for at least two consecutive academic years of the first instalment of fees and contributions.
  2. If the interruption concerns a period of less than two academic years, payment of the amount provided for in the Tuition Fee Regulations shall be required. This provision does not apply to students who have passed all the examinations required by the law of their course and are only required to do the final thesis. It will be possible to resume studies even after one year of inactivity, by paying the recognition fee and enrolling in the academic year of graduation.
  3. For one or more years of academic interruption, no academic career development can be made;
    If academic career development activities take place, they will be automatically invalidated unless the position is rectified by the payment of fees and contributions due for the academic years the activities relate to, to the extent provided for in the Tuition Fee Regulations.
  4. Interruption of studies is not allowed during the year if enrolment has already been renewed.
  5. In order to resume studies, a fixed fee is payable for each year of interruption, called the “recognition fee”, the amount of which is set by the Tuition Fee Regulations, in addition to the fees and contributions due for the academic year the studies are resumed. Enrolment is considered 'fuori corso' for academic years of interruption.
  6. After an interruption period of one or more years, examinations can be taken from the first possible session in reference to the academic year of compliant enrolment.
  7. Payment of the recognition fee is not foreseen for those who are forced to interrupt their studies due to serious and prolonged duly certified health issues or disability.
  8. The deadline for submitting recognition applications coincides with enrolment deadlines.




Art. 28 - Final Test: Requirements and methods for admission

  1. For admission to the final test, all the credits required by the Course Regulations for learning activities other than the final test must have been obtained and students must be up to date with their payment of fees and contributions due for all the years of enrolment at the University.
    It is the student's responsibility to verify that their study plan meets the curriculum requirements of the Course Regulations.
    The application for admission to the graduation session must be made via the electronic procedure, within the deadlines set annually by the Academic Senate, scrupulously following the instructions available on the specific page of the University site.
  2. Late applications may be made within 20 working days before the exam start date, subject to paying the late payment fee.
  3. Examinations must be concluded at least 15 working days before the graduation date.
  4. The application to graduate submitted for a given session does not apply to subsequent sessions, therefore it is necessary to renew the application and to insert a new application to graduate into the appropriate electronic procedure.


Art. 29 - Final test: Characteristics and procedures

  1. The final test is meant as the test that must be passed to obtain the academic qualification, the content, characteristics and procedures for which are laid down in the individual Course Regulations, including the language used, in accordance with the general rules set out in the Academic Regulations. The outcome of this test is assessed by the final Exam Board.
  2. The Board shall prepare an online report on the performance and outcome of the final test.
  3. The official published date may not be anticipated in any way; on the day fixed in the academic calendar for the final examination, proceedings must commence, and may continue into subsequent days but not beyond the end of the session in progress.
  4. The date on which the qualification is obtained is the date the candidate presented their dissertation before the Exam Board or, in the absence of a dissertation, the date of assessment.
  5. The final test is public and may be discussed or assessed by the final Exam Board, whose composition and method of appointment is governed by the Academic Regulations.
  6. The written work or thesis shall be carried out under the direct and exclusive direction of the supervisor, who can be assisted by additional supervisors or co-supervisors.
  7. Individual Course Regulations establish the procedures for preparing the final thesis/written work, for submitting it to the Exam Board and the possible European language of the written work if not in Italian. In the latter case, the degree thesis must include an abstract in Italian.
  8. The non-provision of legislation for any attribute - right of publication, press mentions, accolade, etc., granted by the Board, based on the criteria in the Course Regulations, does not constitute certification of the same during the final exam. This conferral can be attested by the Registrar's Office.
  9. Conservation of the degree thesis is entrusted to the libraries that manage the information, circulation and disclosure in compliance with the legislation in force.
  10. Consultation of the thesis is regulated by specific authorisation of the graduand as copyright holder, expressed in ESSE3 within the graduation procedure, after consulting the supervisor.
  11. The thesis (or written work) for the final degree must be deposited digitally by the student who is required to upload on ESSE3, as separate files, in PDF/A format:
  12. the final draft of the thesis including an unsigned title page;
  13. the title page signed by the supervisor, the graduand and any co-supervisor;
  14. the declaration of integrity, authenticity and conformity of the file deposited with the written work under evaluation by the Exam Board.

By the date of presentation, the libraries will send the Registrar's office clearance that the student has no outstanding debts with the libraries



Art. 30 - Guidance figures for the thesis

  1. The guidance figures for the thesis are: the supervisor and co-supervisor.
    The supervisor provides the necessary scientific and methodological assistance to the graduand during the elaboration phase of the thesis and, by signing the thesis, certifies the substance and qualification of the work.
    This role may be taken by the following University staff:
    a) Tenured professor
    b) Researcher
    c) Contract professor.
  2. The persons referred to in points a) and b) maintain their role even if, after the assignment of the thesis, they apply for and obtain a period of leave for the purpose of study and research or a sabbatical year, or cease to hold office due to resignation, retirement, transfer, etc., provided that the graduation session takes place within the sessions of the academic year when they were working. Such persons may not, however, be appointed members of the Exam Board.
  3. The person referred to in point c) shall remain in that role until the end of the additional session of the academic year they signed the contract for.
  4. There may also be a second supervisor figure who has the same rights and duties as the first and is identified from the same staff as in paragraph 1.
  5. The co-supervisor is an optional figure who aids the supervisor who proposed them in assisting and guiding the graduand during the course of their final thesis/written work.
    There may be no more than two co-supervisors and their names must appear on the title page of the final draft.

    The role of co-supervisor may only be carried out by the following persons who meet the requirements at the time of application to graduate and relate to the academic year to which the degree session belongs:

    • Official professor or University researcher
    • Official professor or researcher from other Universities
    • PhD student enrolled in the third year
    • Current research grant holder
    • Holder of a contract for supplementary courses
    • Specialisation student enrolled in the last year of the course
    • Company tutor for the completion of traineeships provided that their names are indicated in the training projects
    • Company tutor or equivalent figure for the conduct of the thesis, provided that their names are mentioned in conventional agreements to that end.
    • Employees of a public research organization (e.g. CNR, INFN) given that, following collaboration agreements with the University, they assume equivalent roles to those of company tutor
    • A technical employee of this University of at least category D, who has a PhD degree or medical specialisation
    • A person who has previously served as a contract professor on an official module
    • An individual authorised by the Faculty Board or Departmental Board where the Faculty is not established, subject to a unanimous decision taken on the basis of a reasoned proposal by the supervisor.
  6. The role of co-supervisor can be completed even if the graduation session takes place after they no longer have the same requirements.
  7. For inter-university courses, the supervisor can be identified in the above-mentioned figures of the partner university.



Art. 31 - Issuing academic qualifications

  1. The University shall issue the academic qualifications obtained at the end of the course and after passing the final test. The degree parchment itself does not mention the grade obtained in the relevant final examination, but makes special mention of any laude granted. In addition to the degree parchment, a copy of the original is drawn up, on paper of a different type and size, which is kept by the Registrar's Offices.
  2. The degree parchments relating to the final qualifications obtained shall be signed by the following bodies in office on the date of graduation:
    • Chancellor, Faculty Dean or Director of the Department not coordinated in the Faculty and by the Director General regarding: Bachelor's degrees, Master's degrees, 1st and 2nd level Master Programmes, Honorary degrees;
    • Chancellor, Director General and Director of the Doctoral School regarding: PhDs;
    • Chancellor, Director General and Director of the Specialisation School regarding: Specialisation School.
  • In the case of the first and second level degrees under DM 509/99 and DM 270/2004, the certificate shall indicate the final academic qualification obtained, the name of the course, the category to which it belongs and any professional qualification.
  • In the event of loss, destruction, damage or theft of the original diploma, a duplicate shall be issued, which shall be the exact reproduction of the original diploma plus the following declaration, signed by the Chancellor and the Director General in office on the date of the duplicate issue:
    - “This diploma is issued pursuant to Chancellor's Decree N° …. dated .... and constitutes a duplicate of the original diploma replaced due to loss or destruction or damage or theft.” This declaration is followed by the particulars of the duplicate Register number, the sheet number and the place and date of printing, which is the same as the date of the provision.
  1. A new diploma is issued in the following cases:
  • correction of personal data, if present from the outset;
  • change in personal data after the end of studies and if a new academic career is activated;
    This copy shall be assigned the number of the general register and the the sheet number resulting from the date of printing.
  1. Both the “duplicate” and the “new diploma” are issued on request of the interested party, who must substantiate the reasons for the request or submit, in the cases provided for, a declaration in lieu of certification and receipt of payment of the contribution, the amount of which is decided by the Board of Directors.
  2. The “duplicate” or “new diploma” is only issued after the previous diploma, where possible, has been returned to the Registrar's Office to be kept in the interested party's personal file after having been invalidated.
    The applicant will be informed of such invalidation and of the criminal offences incurred should the previous degree parchment be used.



Art. 32 - Honorary Master's degree/Doctorate

  1. Honorary Master’s degrees or PhDs may only be given to those who, with the highest merit, have performed works, carried out activities or published work in the course subjects available the year the title is granted.
  2. The proposal for the honorary conferment of academic degrees is made by the Faculty Board, or Department Board if not coordinated in the Faculty, with a resolution approved by two thirds of its members, subject to the opinion of the Course Board.
  3. This proposal shall be subject to the Academic Senate's approval, which shall act by a two-thirds majority of its members.
  4. The decision of the Academic Senate is forwarded to the Ministry of University and Research for the required authorisation.
  5. Honorary Master’s degrees or PhDs have the same legal effects as their corresponding ordinary degrees.
  6. Every academic year, the University grants as many honorary degrees as allowed by the Ministry.



Art. 33 - Posthumous degree

  1. In the event that a student passes away before the end of their course, upon the request of their family members or on a proposal from the faculty/department, they may be awarded a posthumous degree if the following conditions are met:
    a) they were compliant with course enrolment at the time of death;
    b) they completed and passed all the activities foreseen in the last approved study plan covering the last year of the course;
    c) The Graduation Board expresses an opinion on the completeness of their dissertation work.
    Any cases outside the above conditions will be examined by the Academic Senate, which will decide on a case-by-case basis.
  2. Having assessed that the conditions listed in points (a) and (b) are met and having obtained the opinion referred to in point (c) of the previous paragraph, the Registrar’s Office submits the request received from the deceased student's next of kin to the faculty/department of the course and acquires the subsequent resolution to decide on awarding the posthumous degree. The Registrar's Office is authorised to prepare the degree parchment with the citation of the details of the Chancellor's measure awarding the academic title and the further information that it has been awarded posthumously.


Art. 34 - Withdrawing from university

  1. Those who, for particular personal reasons, no longer wish to continue their university studies may withdraw. Withdrawal must be made by formal application. The withdrawal is irrevocable. It, results in the loss of student status and extinguishes the student's academic career, without prejudice to the credits acquired, which may be subject to future recognition.
  2. Those who withdraw from their studies shall not have to pay any fees or contributions they may be liable for.
  3. Those who withdraw shall not be entitled to the refund of any tuition fees, even if they leave before the end of the academic year, except for those who, compliantly matriculated, withdraw by the 10th working day following the date of matriculation. In this case, the refund of any paid university contributions can be requested after having made a declaration in lieu of affidavit, that no benefits or services have been taken advantage of. This act does not constitute withdrawal, but cancels matriculation
  4. Those who withdraw, in compliance with the payment of fees up to the last academic position, may be issued certificates relating to the previous academic career undertaken, supplemented by a declaration stating their withdrawal from studies.
  5. After having withdrawn, those who enroll in a new course may request the evaluation of their previous university career. In this case, the faculty/department responsible for the course shall verify that previous learning activities are not obsolete.
  6. Those who matriculate in the same or another course at this University may apply for recognition of their previous academic career subject to payment of the fees and contributions foreseen including the academic year of last enrolment. Otherwise, previous careers will not be recognised. The application for recognition must be made at the same time as the application for matriculation. For limited enrolment courses, the required admission test must be taken and passed.
  7. A non-European Union student residing abroad who has withdrawn from their studies and wants to apply for a new enrolment at the same or another University, cannot use the residence permit issued for the previous matriculation and will have to repeat the pre-enrolment procedure at the Italian representation in the foreign state of residence.
  8. Following withdrawal, those who incur the cancellation of a scholarship granted by the regional body are required to return the sums reimbursed by the University.
  9. Those who withdraw must first apply for clearance from the library and ERDIS (Regional Authority for Access to Education) who will verify that there are no outstanding debts.


Art. 35- Forfeiture

  1. Students enrolled in degree courses previous to D.M. 509/99 and subsequent modifications, who do not take examinations for eight consecutive academic years from the year of taking the last exam, shall be deprived of their student status, even if fees and contributions have been regularly paid.
  2. Students enrolled in a course under D.M. 509/99 and subsequent modifications who do not acquire credits for eight consecutive academic years following the year they obtained their last credit, shall be deprived of their student status, even if fees and contributions have been regularly paid.
  3. Forfeiture shall be interrupted if a student changes to another course or another system.
  4. Forfeiture shall not be applied to those who have passed all their examinations and only have their graduation exam left.
  5. Students in this "forfeit" situation who enroll in courses under D.M. 509/1999 and subsequent amendments, may request the evaluation of their previous university career, even if it has been completed, in order to obtain its recognition in terms of university credits. In this case, the department/faculty will decide on their career, subject to verification of which credits relating to modules and past modules have not been declared obsolete pursuant to art. 6 paragraph 5 of the Academic Regulations.
  6. Certificates may be issued to those in this 'forfeit' position with regard to their previous university career with a record of its ineffectiveness.
  7. Those who have continued to pay fees and contributions after forfeiture shall only be entitled to reimbursement of the enrolment fee and contributions from the academic year following forfeiture.
  8. Forfeited students who wish to re-enroll in a limited enrolment course must take and pass the admission exam.



Art. 36- Tution fees, contributions

  1. Payment of university contributions and the regional tuition fee for the right to university education is intended to cover the cost of the services offered by the University and the Marche Region. University contributions are determined autonomously by the University in relation to objectives for the adaptation of teaching and services for the student community, as well as on the basis of the specificity of the course.
  2. In application of the legislation in force, the Board of Directors establishes a gradual implementation of the amounts in accordance with criteria of fairness and solidarity, in relation to the economic conditions of the student, using appropriate methodologies to ensure effective progressivity, intended also to protect those in disadvantaged economic conditions.
  3. The rules relating to university contributions are governed by specific regulations that are approved at the beginning of each academic year and published on the University website.
  4. The Board of Directors may also determine additional contributions to be made by the student community for the costs incurred by the University for specific services, and establish a variable penalty fee for late payment or failure to meet administrative deadlines.
  5. The fees and contributions relating to enrolment are divided into three instalments: the first, to be paid at the time of matriculation or enrolment, is the same amount for all courses. The second and third, with deadlines established in the Regulation referred to in paragraph 3, are differentiated on the basis of economic conditions, conditions of merit and the course itself.
  6. The payment of the first instalment constitutes a commitment to pay subsequent instalments. Failure to pay the first instalment means that students can not take exams, get attendance recognition or do anything to further their academic careers.
  7. Payment of instalments subsequent to the first is not due in the event of transfer to another university or withdrawal from studies, except as provided for in art. 34.
  8. Those who are not in compliance with the payment of all fees and contributions may not:
  • renew enrolment in the following academic year;
  • further their academic career;
  • be admitted to the degree examination.
    In this condition, it is possible to obtain a certificate relating to the student's university career with reference to the administrative irregularity.
  1. Those coming from another university are required to pay the fees and contributions foreseen, even if they have already paid their fees and contributions at the University of origin for the academic year of arrival.
  2. Students simultaneously enrolled in more than one course (art. 8) have to pay fees and contributions for each of the courses they are enrolled in. In this case, for the entire period of simultaneous enrolment one of the two enrolments should be identified as a reference to access the benefits provided by the current law on the Right to Study. The total or partial exemption from the payment of the annual all-inclusive fee, which applies to both enrolments, remains unaffected if the requirements are met.


Art. 37 - Types of exemption and forms of support

  1. Regarding the Right to Study under current legislation, the University independently establishes rules for exemption from the payment of tuition fees and contributions. These rules take into account the call for applications to award scholarships, approved annually by the regional authority;
    in particular, the criteria for drawing up the ranking lists of suitable positions on the basis of this call for admissions shall be fully adopted, with specific reference to the exemption from fees and contributions provided for in the existing provisions for the most successful applicants and eligible persons.
  2. The rules concerning the provision of benefits or forms of exemption for the student community are governed by specific regulations, which are approved at the beginning of each academic year and published on the University website.
  3. Based on the what these calls for application envisage, students on the University's international courses may benefit from reduced fees and contributions, and also scholarships, subject to their eligibility for fixed contributions and fees provided for by the universities subscribing to the exchange agreement for the issue of degree parchments.
  4. Pursuant to Art. 11 of legislative Decree no. 68 dated 29th March 2012, the University organises paid student collaboration (part-time) for activities related to university services, with the exception of teaching related work, examinations, and assuming administrative responsibilities. These collaboration contracts are assigned within the limits of the financial resources available in the University budget and on the basis of a selective procedure that includes merit and income requirements. The service required can not exceed 150 hours per academic year. The number of collaboration contracts and the amount of pay are defined annually by a specific call for applications.
  5. As part of the initiatives to support university students as identified by art. 1 Law 170/2003, on the basis of merit, the University provides grants to encourage mentoring activities governed by the specific University Regulation. Each year, the Academic Senate determines the amount to be allocated to each faculty/department according to predefined criteria. Based on the amount received, each single faculty/department shall determine the number of grants to be awarded and how to award them by means of selective procedures organised by the individual faculty/department. Mentoring is incompatible with part-time work collaborations.
  6. The University promotes cultural and recreational activities by annually allocating student associations a fund to implement initiatives to improve conditions for students. The criteria to access the selection and the way in which the fund is granted are governed by the relevant Academic Regulations.


Art. 38- Refunds

  1. Students enrolled in a course year are not entitled to a refund of the amount paid, except as provided for in this Article.
  2. Students in the following conditions shall be entitled to a refund of tuition fees and contributions paid, with the exception of stamp duty:
    a)upon payment of the first matriculation instalment, enrolment is not completed due to failure to complete the administrative procedure or failure to meet the requirements for course access;
    b) after having successfully matriculated for a course, the student withdraws no later than the 10th working day following the date of matriculation;
    c) upon successful enrolment in the new academic year, students graduate within the last session of the previous academic year;
    d) in cases of payments made by mere error or not expressly requested by the university, or in special cases, not specifically referred to in this article.
    The refund is given provided that students have not received any benefits or services in exchange for the payment of the tuition fees.
  3. Sums already paid and not due shall also be reimbursed if, as a result of exemptions or reductions, the annual amount of the tuition fee is lower than the amount paid.
  4. Requests for reimbursement referred to in subparagraphs 2 a), b) and d) of this Article must be forwarded to the Registrar's Office, while reimbursements referred to in subparagraphs 2 c) and 3 shall be made automatically.




Art. 39- Certificates

  1. Students have the right to obtain certification of their status, studies and all career-related activities, within the limits, in the form and in the manner provided for by law and regulations in force.
  2. In the event of an academic career which has ceased as a result of withdrawal, leave or forfeiture, a certification attesting the cause of cessation and all activities carried out may be obtained.
  3. Any eventual irregularities in the student's administrative status shall be mentioned on the certificate.
  4. Certificates can only be issued by the Registrar's Office subject to the student's request, produced on stamped paper in the event of legal certificates or unstamped paper if exempt from stamp duty.
  5. All applications must comply with the rules governing stamp duty.




Art. 40 - Diploma Supplement

  1. The University shall prepare the Diploma Supplement, available to all those who have obtained their Bachelor's degree or Master’s degree.
  2. The Diploma is issued in Italian and English without charge.




Art. 41 - Participation in administrative procedures

  1. The University shall ensure forms and means of publicity and communication of the proceedings and decisions taken regarding university careers.
  2. The University also encourages the participation of the student community in academic career related proceedings.
  3. Requests and appeals may be made to the Chancellor for exemptions from the rules concerning university careers. Requests should be addressed to the Registrar's Office responsible for the enquiry.
  4. The Chancellor's measures shall be final. Judicial appeal is allowed against measures relating to students' careers.
  5. The administrative enquiries relating to students' university careers shall be concluded within the time limits provided for in the Regulation on administrative procedure and rights to access administrative documents, available on the university website, adopted in implementation of Law No 241 dated 7 August 1990 and subsequent amendments


Art. 42 - Access to administrative documents

  1. As provided for in the University's regulations on administrative procedure and right to access, published on the University website, students, graduates or any person with a direct, concrete and current interest can exercise their right to access, if corresponding to a legally protected situation and if linked to the document being accessed.


Art. 43 - Fundamental Rights

  1. In implementation of its Statute, the University has adopted the Charter of Students' Rights and Responsibilities  available on the university website.



Art. 44 - Discipline rules

  1. Students are required to comply with the laws, regulations, and standards laid down in the Code of Ethics in force at the University, as well as with the principles established in the Charter of the Students' Rights and Responsibilities referred to in Article 43 above.
  2. Violations of these rules shall result in the offenders being subject to disciplinary action, without prejudice to the application of the relevant civil and criminal rules.
  3. The effects of this Article and the following shall apply to all those enrolled in Bachelor's degree courses, Master's degree courses, Master programmes, PhD courses, Specialisation Schools, individual courses and other training courses, whatever they may be called.


Art. 45 - Disciplinary measures

  1. Events and behaviour that are considered irregular and likely to give rise to disciplinary sanctions must be reported to the Chancellor in writing by the individual teachers, the Head of Course, the Head of the faculty/department or by the Head of the administrative offices.
  2. Disciplinary action may also be exercised in respect of actions committed by students outside the university, where the facts are recognized as being related to the status of a university student and are detrimental to the dignity and honour of the University.
  3. Disciplinary action is taken according to the principles of correct measure and the sanctions that the University may impose are:
    a) a warning;
    b) temporary suspension from one or more modules (learning activities);
    c) exclusion from one or more exams, for one or more sessions, or for one or more dates;
    d) exclusion from the final test for one or more sessions; 
    e) temporary exclusion from the University with consequent prohibition from attending any learning activity or taking any exams. In this case, a recognition fee shall be payable on resumption of the student's career for the years of suspension;
    f) definitive exclusion from all courses at the University.
  4. Disciplinary action over students shall be taken:
    - by the Chancellor for sanctions referred to in paragraph 3 a), b), c) and d) above
    - by the Academic Senate for the sanctions referred to in paragraph 3 e) and f) above.
  5. When taking disciplinary action, the bodies shall have recourse to a disciplinary Board, chaired by the Chancellor and made up of two teachers, one member of technical and administrative staff and one student. This Commission, elected by a Chancellor's decree, is appointed by the Academic Senate on the proposal of the Chancellor.
  6. The application of disciplinary actions must satisfy criteria of proportionality, reasonableness and fairness, with regard to the nature of the infringements, the development of the events and their repetition.
  7. In assessing the events to be sanctioned, the Commission must take into account the subjective element of wilful misconduct or gross negligence.
  8. Should the event include a criminal offense, the University will report and transmit the documents to the competent judicial authority.
  9. The student must be formally informed of the commencement of disciplinary proceedings against them. The Chancellor shall then send the notice of initiation by registered post, with a clear and precise accusation of the alleged event.
  10. The notice will indicate the date on which the hearing is to take place and that it is up to the student to:
    a) appear before the Commission in order to be heard regarding the disputed facts;
    b) be assisted by a person in whom they trust;
    c) submit defensive statements and any documents of exoneration and indicate any evidence to be taken;
    d) to examine and extract copies of the documents on the file relating to them and to examine the activities carried out up to that point.

    No less than 10 days shall pass between the date of receipt of the notice and the hearing. Along with the invitation to come to the hearing, there is also notification that  if the student does not come, does not produce written statements or does not request a reasoned deferral, they will be forfeited from exercising their right to defend themselves.

  11. Summary minutes of the hearing shall be drawn up.
  12. The disciplinary sanction shall be enforced by the Chancellor. The student and the relevant faculty/department will be notified by registered post.
    An appeal against the disciplinary measure may be lodged with the Academic Senate, without prejudice to the possibility of bringing the matter before the courts.
  13. All universities in the country will be informed of any temporary suspension from the University and of any definitive exclusion from all courses at the University.


Art. 46 - Recording disciplinary measures

All disciplinary sanctions are reported in the student's university career and recorded on their clearance papers in the event they transfer to another location




Art. 47 Transitional Provisions

Rules previously adopted and incompatible with this Regulation shall cease to apply when this Regulation comes into effect.



Art. 48 - Entry into force

  1. These Regulations are adopted in implementation of the Decree of the Ministry of Education, University and Research No. 270 dated 22 October 2004, (Art. 11, paragraph 9) of the Statute of the University (Art. 48) and in accordance with the Academic regulations (Art. 31).
  2. These Regulations are issued by the Chancellor upon approval by the Academic Senate and are published in the manner and in the forms provided for by current legislation.
    These Regulations shall enter into force on the day following their issuance.


Art. 49 - Regulation modifications

  1. This regulation shall be amended by a Chancellor's decree after approval by the Academic Senate.


Art. 50 Final provisions

For any matter not explicitly provided for in these Regulations, reference shall be made to the University Regulations, Statute and the relevant legislation in force.

Annex 1 to the Student Regulations



Art. 1– Definitions

For the purposes of this document:

  1. Validation: The administrative measure which recognises the partial or total acquisition of the learning objectives of the activity being validated, obtained by passing an exam, taken as part of the learning process of a university level degree course.
  2. Recognition: The administrative measure by which non-university activities are recognised as university credits (ECTS)



Art. 2 Regulatory Frameworks

Taking into account the provisions of Article 9 of the Academic Regulations:

  • The credits corresponding to each module are acquired by passing the exam or by another form of verification as established by the Course Regulations;
  • The total or partial recognition of credits acquired by a student from another course or from another University is decided by the Department or Faculty, where constituted, once the objectives achieved and the activity carried out have been evaluated.
  • In the event of transfer between degree courses belonging to the same degree category, the proportion of credits relating to the same scientific-disciplinary sector which are directly recognised may not be lower than the limit laid down by the relevant legislation in force.
  • The departments or faculties, where constituted, may recognise certified professional skills and competences and other knowledge and skills acquired in post-secondary learning activities, whose design and implementation the University has contributed to, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation.
  • Activities which have already been recognised to gain university credits for a degree course may not be recognised again as credits for Master Degree courses.


Art. 3 Scope

This document has the dual purpose of guaranteeing homogenous treatment for the entire student community of the University and of standardising administrative procedures, defining general criteria for recognition in accordance with which the faculty/department will make its own decisions in relation to the applications submitted.



Art. 4 – Types of activities/ modules to be validated or recognised

For every degree, the activities / modules that are validated/recognised are identified as follows:

  1. modules in one or more core disciplinary areas (excluding Master's Degree Courses);
  2. modules in one or more of the course specific areas;
  3. activities independently chosen by the student (elective);
  4. activities in one or more related areas;
  5. activities related to the preparation of the final examination;
  6. additional linguistic knowledge, as well as IT and telecommunication skills, relational skills, or other skills necessary for the workplace, including training and orientation internships, or work experience.


If activities which are not included in the course catalogue of interest are recognized, the competent faculty/department must ensure that the name of the activity is translated into English when approving the acceptance of the validation request.


In the event of students preparing their final project under an international mobility program, the final test will be divided into two separate modules, each associated with a number of credits defined as follows:

1st module, with weight equal to 1 ECTS credit;

2nd module, with weight equal to n-1 ECTS credits, where n is the total number of credits foreseen for the final test in the course regulation.



Art. 5 Interested parties

Validation of credits acquired from previous university studies is set by the course faculty/department, according to criteria and procedures provided for in the Course Regulations and in accordance with these guidelines, at the request of the student interested in:

  • changing course
  • transferring from another university
  • applying to shorten their course.


The faculty/department is also responsible for the recognition of competences, professional skills certified in accordance with current legislation on the subject, and other knowledge and skills acquired in post-secondary level training activities. Also in the latter case, a formal application must be submitted to the Registrar's offices.





Art. 6 Validation for changing course

Changing course occurs when students who are compliant with enrolment regulations for their course request and obtain enrolment in another course at the same or at another University Department.


The validated exam will be recorded in the management system by registering the mark assigned and the date the validating exam was passed.

If the ratio between the validating exam and the validated exam is 1:2 or 1:3 (one validating for 2 or more validated) the validated exams will be recorded by assigning the mark and the date the validating exam was passed.

If the ratio between the validating exam and the validated exam is 2:1 or 3:1 (two or more validating for one validated) the validated exam will be recorded with the date of the last passed exam in chronological order and the mark calculated on the weighted average of the validating exams or arithmetic average for exams taken for pre DM 509/99 courses. The weighted or arithmetic average shall be rounded down if the figure is less than 0.5, or rounded up in other cases. When calculating the average, “laude” is not taken into account.

In all instances different from those illustrated above, the validated exam is recorded without a mark and with the date of the last passed exam.


Should it be necessary to integrate any differences in the number of credits in one or more academic discipline lists, the faculty/department shall determine the manner in which integration should come about, taking into account the expected learning outcomes and the training objectives of the specific activity. A similar method will be adopted by the faculty/department should any unused credits remain.


The faculty/department decides on validation after assessment of the non-obsolescence of the knowledge content.


The date the recognition decision was taken will be recorded in the system as the date of validity.


These rules also apply for “attendance validation”. In such a case, validated attendance will be recorded in the management system, assigning the academic year of actual achievement and the academic year of entry to the course (date of competence).


The same method shall also apply in the case of a change of academic system, class or curriculum.



Art. 7 – Validation for incoming transfers from other universities

Incoming transfer from another location occurs when students who are already matriculated in a course ask for and obtain permission from their University of origin to continue their studies at another university – Destination University -.


For transfers between degree courses belonging to the same category, the proportion of directly recognised credits relating to the same scientific - disciplinary sector cannot be less than 50% of those already obtained, a limit provided for by the legislation in force on the subject.


Recording validated examinations and/or attendance in the system follows the same rules as those applicable for changing course validations as set out in Article 6.



Art. 8 Recognition for shortening university course

Shortening a university course occurs when students who already have a university qualification, or a previous university career that has not ended with an academic title (withdrawal, forfeit, ...) enrol in a course, after the first year, with the recognition of a number of credits by the competent bodies.


Recording method:

In the management system, recognised exams will be recorded:

  • by assigning a mark or suitability status;
  • with the date of first enrolment in the course the recognition is for as the date of acquisition;
  • with the date the recognition decision was taken by the faculty/department, as the date of competence.


For recognition where the ratio between the validating and validated examination is 2:1 or 3:1, the mark will be calculated on the weighted average or arithmetic average in a similar manner to that indicated in art. 6.



Art. 9 – Recognition of activities for international mobility

Credits acquired from foreign institutions, following international mobility, will be recognised in accordance with the provisions of the Learning Agreement approved before departure. Students are guaranteed “full academic recognition” of studies carried out abroad. “Full academic recognition” is one of the conditions explicitly contained in the Erasmus University Charter and the “ECHE” (European Charter for Higher Education) application, with a view to participating in the new program for the seven-year period 2021-2027.


Examinations recognised in the context of international mobility must be recorded in the management system:

  1. with the date on which they were actually taken and passed;
  2. with the issue date of the certificate – Transcript of Records – if the date the exam was passed is missing;
  3. with the date resulting from the declaration in lieu of certification if the issue date of the certificate is not consistent with the period of mobility. Such a declaration in lieu may only be made in the case of mobility in EU countries.

The foreign university, the length of stay and the original names of the modules must also be recorded for recognised examinations.


The student's career reports the Italian mark resulting from the marks conversion based on the correspondence of the ECTS scale. Marks conversion must be based on the correspondence of the cumulative distributions of ECTS marks. The student's career will report the Italian mark resulting from the comparison of the distribution curves of the two courses concerned. If the foreign university does not provide the mark distribution curve in the Transcript of Records, the ECTS scale published on the website of the host university shall be used to convert the marks."







Art. 10 – Recognition of non-university activities

By way of implementation of current legislation (L. 64/2001; L. 448/2001; D.M. 270/2004; L. 286/2006 as amended by Law No 240 dated 30 November 2010), the University may recognise “the professional knowledge and skills certified in accordance with current legislation on the subject, as well as other knowledge and skills acquired in post-secondary activities in whose  design the university has participated” as university credits, usable for single-cycle degrees or Master's degrees, on a properly documented request, and in accordance with the provisions of Art. 5, paragraph 7 of D.M. 270/04.



Art. 11 - General Criteria

To recognise ECTS credits, the knowledge and skills that can be validated must be consistent with the specific training objectives set out in the educational system of the course, the relevance and suitability of which shall be assessed by the relevant faculty/department.

Credits can only be recognised once and individually in the type of activity referred to in Article 10, paragraph 5 of Ministerial Decree 270/2004:

  • point a) (activities/modules independently chosen by the student provided they are relevant to the educational project);
  • point d) (modules, not provided for in the preceding subparagraphs, aimed at acquiring further knowledge, etc.);
  • or as a substitute for a module relevant to the core, course specific or related activities and provided for in the 'Manifesto degli Studi' (the tool through which the University publishes the official curricula offered to students for the relevant academic year, the access procedures to the activated courses, including matriculation and enrolment procedures, determinations related to the payment of tuition fees and contributions borne by students, and the academic calendar).

Collectively awarded forms of recognition are not included.

The competent faculty/department always reserves the possibility to test students to verify their possession of the knowledge the recognition is for. The decisions of the competent faculty/department for recognition of non-university activities are final. If the outcome is negative, they will however have to give adequate reasons.



Art. 12– Quantitative Limits

 University credits may be recognised respecting the following quantitative limits, established by Law No 240 dated 30 November 2010:

- 12 ECTS credits in total for level I and level II courses (Bachelor's degrees, single cycle or standard Master's degrees).



Art. 13 – Faculty/Department requirements

The relevant faculty/department shall determine the general criteria and methods of credit recognition in compliance with the standards set out in this document, and shall determine the number of recognisable credits, within the limits set out in Article 12, to be reported in the Academic Regulations for every course.

The faculty/department shall also define the period beyond which any obsolescence of the acquired knowledge and skills is to be assessed.



Art. 14 – Previous Professional Knowledge and Skills

Pending the Ministerial Decree referred to in paragraph 2 of Art. 14 of Law No 240 dated 30 December 2010, which will define the implementing procedures and possible derogations from the provisions of paragraph 1 of the same Article, only the following can be recognised:

  • Work activity related to the training profile and the specific learning objectives of the course in place of the internship and with the attribution of the number of credits provided for in the Course Regulations:
  • Certified Training activities/modules carried out during Community Service (Law 64/2001).
  • Obtaining an Olympic or Paralympic medal or the title of absolute world champion, absolute European champion or absolute Italian champion in sports recognized by the Italian National Olympic Committee or the Italian Paralympic Committee.

In order to verify these conditions, the student must attach to their application the appropriate documentation certifying the type and duration of the employment relationship, the professional qualification and duties performed, or the sporting title obtained.



Art. 15 – Knowledge and skills acquired in post-secondary learning activities

Knowledge and skills gained in post-secondary learning activities may be recognised in credits provided that:

  • the training is certified by the organisation providing it;
  • a public or legally recognised University has contributed to the design and implementation of the learning activity;
  • the activity has ended with a final examination, the assessment of which is certified;
  • the relevant certificate clearly indicates the total number of hours of the training project. This includes knowledge and skills acquired further to:
  1. Participation in Higher Technical Education and Training Courses (IFTS) or Vocational Technical Courses (FTS) courses, with final evaluation, in which the Università Politecnica delle Marche or another university has organised, even as part of a Temporary Syndicate (ATS).
  2. Participation in ESF funded courses, with final evaluation, activated with the contribution of the Università Politecnica delle Marche or other universities, even as a temporary syndicate..
  3. Attendance and evaluation of foreign language courses, with a certification issued by qualified bodies or institutes recognised as suitable by the University or issued by the University Language Centre.
  4. Attending refresher courses and further training courses.
  5. Attending cultural activities promoted under the patronage of the Università Politecnica delle Marche and in accordance with the procedures established in Article 7 of this document.
  6. Attending short courses of particular educational importance held in Italy or abroad.
  7. Non-university Master programmes.
  8. Certificates issued by public and private institutions recognised by the University for the acquisition of basic IT skills.
  9. Completion of the planned study cycle, of an academic nature, and passing of the related final examinations by the staff of the public administrations at the respective training schools, pursuant to L. 448/2001 and subsequent amendments (Military Academies, Police Training Institutes, etc.).


Art. 16 – Recognition in credits for UNIVPM cultural activities (conferences, seminars, study days, etc.)

The recognition must comply with the ratio of 1 credit equal to 25 hours of total work, divided into 10 hours participation and 15 hours self-study.

To obtain recognition of the foreseen credits, in the type of activity referred to in point a art.10, paragraph 5 of D.M. 270/2004 (activities independently chosen by the student provided that they are consistent with the training project), a certificate of participation must be submitted to the Registrar's Offices, for the subsequent acquisition of the opinion of the competent faculty/department, after passing the final test.



Art. 17 - Methods of Recognition

Recognition of credits takes place after enrolment at the request of the student, who forwards an application to the competent faculty/department, through the Registrar’s Office. The appropriate form, which is downloadable from the University website must be accompanied by all the certifications and attestations relating to each skill and knowledge to be recognised. 


The same application must be submitted for transferring from another university, where the student has either obtained credit recognition for professional knowledge and skills or acquired them in post-secondary training activities. These credits may be subject to re-assessment to confirm or decline the allocation of credits in accordance with this document.



Recording method:

In the management system, recognised exams will be recorded:

  • without a mark or, where possible, assigning a mark or suitability status;
  • with the date of first enrolment in the course the recognition is for as the date of acquisition where the knowledge or skills recognised were acquired prior to matriculation, or with the date the certificate was issued if achieved subsequently;
  • with the date the recognition decision was taken by the faculty/department, as the date of competence.