

It is instituted by the Art.10 of the university regulations the following bodies:



  • Der Rektor/Die Rektorin
    The Chancellor represents the University in all legal matters and promotes and implements strategies and lines of development for the University which are designed to enhance the pursuit of institutional goals, according to quality criterias and respecting the effectiveness, efficiency, and promotion of merit principles.
    The Chancellor uses Delegates for matters of his compentences.


  • The Vice Chancellor
    The Chancellor appoints a Vice-Chancellor, chosen from among the full-time professors (or from those who opt for full-time on taking up the appointment) who substitutes the Chancellor in the event of absence or temporary impediment. This appointment expires at the end of the Chancellor’s term of service.


  • Der Senat 
    Der Senat ist das Leitungsorgan der Universität. Der Senat trägt die Verantwortung für die Organisation, Planung und Koordinierung von Angelegenheiten in den Bereichen Forschung, Lehre, Studium und Weiterbildung.


  • The Board of Directors
    The Board of Directors oversees administrative and financial affairs, accounts and assets. It also takes care of surveillance of financial susteinability following academics policies indicated by the Academic Senate.


Managing body


  • Der Direktor
    The General Manager is responsible, based on the rules gicen by the Chancellor and Board of Director, for implementing the programmes approved by the academic bodies, assigning equipment and personnel to the single units. His tasks are provided by the art.10 of the legislative decree 165/2001.



Planning And Management Control Service

  • The College of Auditors
    The College of Auditors controls and manages administrative/accounting, financial, and property side of the Unievrsity.
    It mainly controls the administrative and accounting regularity, ensuring, in accordance with the principle of public sector accounting, the legitimacy and accuracy of the administrative action.

  • The Evaluation Team
    The internal Evaluation Team's task is to verify the proper and economic management of resources, research productivity and teaching, as well as the administrative fairness and efficiency. It is an internal system to evaluate administrative management, teaching, research, and action to support study rights.

Other bodies

  • Office for University Quality
    The Office for University Quality has been established for self-assessment, assessment, and validation activities (AVA).

  • Der Studentenausschuss
    Der Studentenausschuss besteht aus Vertretern der Studenten der Univpm. Er hat hautpsächlich eine beratende Funktion und beaufsichtigt die Ermittlung vom finanziellen Zustand der Studenten.

  •  CUG - Guarantee Unified Committee
    The Committee for equal opportunities of the wellness of workers and against discriminations has advisory and proactive tasks, it promotes events for the fulfillment of equal opportunities and the enhancement of the difference between men and women, supervises the compliance of non discrimination based on the Italian and European laws in force. The Committee also supervises if mobbing actions are happening in UNIVPM.