Bachelor's degree courses

Academic Year 2023/2024





Pursuant to D.M. 270/2004, the following Bachelor’s degree courses are available in the academic year 2023-2024:





The course details are available on the website of the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences.


Entry knowledge test



 Students intending to matriculate in one of the above mentioned courses must have a secondary-school diploma or another foreign qualification recognised as suitable. In accordance with current legislation (Ministerial Decree 270/2004), students must have, or acquire, adequate initial preparation and this is verified through appropriate tests. 

The main purpose of this verification is to guide students in choosing their course. It is therefore not selective for matriculation, which can be carried out regardless of whether the test is taken and regardless of the outcome of the test.

If students do not take the test, or get a negative outcome, additional learning requirements (OFA) are assigned, to be completed by 10.08.2024 in accordance with the procedures established by the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences. Failure to do so will result in repeating the first year of the course.


Registration for the entry knowledge test must be carried out on the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences  website within the deadlines indicated. On the same site you can also find a description of the test criteria and how to obtain OFA (Additional Training Requirements), as well as cases of exemption from the entry knowledge test, as established by the Course Regulations.


On matriculation, students who are exempt from taking the entry knowledge test must provide the completed Declaration in lieu of affidavit, downloadable from Forms.


Matriculating in the first year


Enrolling for years subsequent to the first



From 1st August to 6th November, 2023

After 6th November 2023 there is a late penalty fee (as defined by the Tuition Fee Regulations).


Enrolment is completed with the payment of the first instalment of the tuition fees, from the Personal Area, through the PagoPA system. The first instalment is €156.

Non-EU students must give the Registrar’s office a copy of their renewed residence permit or a copy of the renewal application. Expired residence permits will block students’ careers.


Part-time enrolment may be chosen in the years following the first one, in which case, part-time enrolment must be maintained for at least two consecutive academic years. A 50% reduction is applied on the all-inclusive fee compared to those who enrol full-time. If you want to move from full-time to part-time, you must apply to the Registrar’s Office by 6.11.2023.



Foreign grade conversion(1 KB)

Method of converting grades from secondary school qualifications obtained at foreign institutions into the corresponding Italian mark