Compatibility with other activities


Being enrolled in a Phd program involves an exclusive full-time commitment. PhD students must actively and regularly take part in the University’s academic activities included in the program, as set forth by the Faculty Board.

After approval of the Faculty Board , PhD students can be authorized – with no increase in the scholarship amount - to carry out the following activities:

a. tutoring for students of first and second level degree courses;
b. unpaid supplementary teaching activities up to 40 hours for each academic year;
c. internships, provided that they do not hinder the regular and constant attendance to the program;
d. temporary job activities;
e. research fellowships,
f. paid professional activities, as long as they do not prevent the student from successfully focusing on the academic and research activities of the Phd program.
Recipients of a Phd-scholarship can be authorized to do remunerated work activities only if these are aimed to acquire competencies coherent with the student’s phd program. In the case of students who are not recipient of a Phd-scholarship authorization to do the above-mentioned activities can be granted considering their need for financial means for continuing their studies (in compliance with the constitutional provision of the right to education).


Students must submit their requests to the Faculty Board by using the form in the section “Forms” .


Ufficio Dottorato di Ricerca

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