Civil, Environmental and Building Engineering And Architecture

Academic Year 2022-2023


Ongoing Cycles: XXXVI (A.A. 20/23), XXXVII (A.A. 21/24) and XXXVIII (A.A. 22/25)

Coordinator: Prof. Francesco Fatone

Department : Construction, Civil Engineering and Architecture


1. Civil, Environmental and Building Engineering and Architecture

2. Integrated Facility Engineering and Resilient Environments

Branch: Ancona




The main educational project of this doctoral program focuses on the gain of good scientific investigational skills, a deeper understanding of the scientific approach to research, and the ability to respond to cultural and technological challenges, in compliance with the laws in force.

This approach can be performed through the pursuit of specific educational objectives associated with the relevant "Scientific Themes" of the course.

In particular, the course “Civil, Environmental and Building Engineering and Architecture” aims to provide a higher level of education to create managerial frameworks with a high professional scientific, technical and managerial profile to be engaged at a strategic level in public administrations, related industries, research and development institutions.

This objective will be reached through appropriate study methodologies and research training.

In more detail, it is expected to:

a) provide initial preparatory training sessions that will help students - who will come from different academic backgrounds, i.e. Environmental and Civil Engineering and Building Engineering and Architecture - start the doctoral course having the same foundations;

b) provide subsequent training in the basic disciplines of the research areas chosen. This objective can be reached by attending specific courses, which are organized by our or other Higher Education Institutions;

c) develop students’ ability to carry out independent research and find solutions to research-related problems. In this regard, the development of experimental and state-of-the-art modeling techniques for innovative solutions is crucial and it will encourage the creation of outstanding scientific works.


Admission requirements


Admission to PhD programs is regulated by a public competition.

To be considered for admissions, applicants must hold a specialization / master's degree or a prior-to-reform master's degree (predating ministerial decree 509/99) or an appropriate qualification obtained from a foreign university, or expect to hold a master's degree by 31 October of the year of publication of the call.


Ufficio Dottorato di Ricerca

Via Oberdan, 8 - 60122  Ancona

Tel: +39 071 2202217 - 2202356 - 2202388 - 2202443 - 2202324

Fax: +39  071 2202308