Erasmus+ Traineeship e CampusWorld

New call

Application deadline: 31 May 2024
Covid-19 Emergency

Notice to students and staff on a mobility abroad

Useful information from the Italian Authorities

Logo Erasmus+ INDIRE
logo CampusWorld

The Erasmus+ Traineeship is a student mobility programme, part of the new wider Erasmus+ 2021-27 programme, which gives students a chance to improve their skills and competences and gain a deeper understanding of another country and culture.

Erasmus+ applicants may receive an Erasmus+ grant.



CampusWorld is a program for training abroad, promoted and financed by Università Politecnica delle Marche.

Event: Presentation of 2018 Campusworld results


Bando e modulistica



Applications must be submitted from your Area Riservata.

+ - Erasmus+ Traineeship

Please, use the forms below for traineeships that will be carried out from 23 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.

+ - CampusWorld

Please, use the forms below for traineeships that will be carried out from 23 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.


List of hosting companies/institutions (Area Riservata)


International Relations Office

Erasmus Traineeship - CampusWorld


Via Menicucci 6 - 60121 Ancona

Tel. 071 220 3016

Per richiedere un appuntamento virtuale su Teams,  fare richiesta tramite e-mail.



Assistenza studenti con bisogni speciali

L'Università Politecnica delle Marche ha attivato un servizio dedicato all'accoglienza, all’assistenza ed all’integrazione degli studenti con disabilità e/o disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento (DSA) al fine di rendere più agevole ed accessibile il percorso universitario locale ed internazionale.

Per approfondimenti e contatti, clicca qui.


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