European projects and international partnerships

UNIVPM is protagonist, on the European and world stage, in many projects of cooperation with international Partners

In this section the partnerships joined by Università Politecnica delle Marche as Coordinator or Partner with other universities or associations are presented:
colour world map


The project called "ELEGANT" has been officially launched on February, 9th-10th 2020 in the Region of the Dead Sea, Jordan.

The general objective of the project is to strengthen the cooperation between Universities of Partner Countries and businesses in Jordan and Lebanon to improve professors and students' teaching and learning experience, while enhancing graduates' professional skills to create the conditions for a cooperation in the field of applied research and knowledge transfer between Partner Universities and firms.

The projects involves: 4 European Partners, 4 Jordanian Partners and 3 Lebanese Partners. Università Politecnica delle Marche is one the four EU Partners.

For further information, please visit the project website:

Work in progress!

For more information, click here.