Registrar's Office - Medicine and Surgery

Faculty of Medicine

Access to the Student Secretariat desk is by appointment via web booking:

Do you need to speak to an operator while staying at home?
Now you can also access the virtual counter via the following link:
When booking you can opt for an appointment with the virtual counter to which the last 30 minutes of the opening hours indicated below will be dedicated.

Contact details for the Registrar's Office in Ancona

Registrar’s Office for the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
"Eustachio" Building, Via Tronto, 10B 60020 Torrette (Ancona)



Bachelor's degrees, competitions for admission, registration and validation of exams tel. 071.220.6007

Certificates, renunciations, incoming transfers and recognition of qualifications tel. 071.220.6010

Bachelor's degrees, certificates and confirmations from universities and other entities tel. 071.220.6011

Enrollment, outgoing transfers, study plans, competitions for admission, registration and validation of exams tel. 071.220.6012

Master's Degrees Medicine and Dentistry, Biennial Master's degrees, State exams tel. 071.2206146       


General e-mail:

Admission test email :


Opening Hours:


From January  to August

from 11.00 to 13.00 Monday and Thursday

from 15.00 to 16.30 Wednesday

(closed Tuesday and Friday)


From September to December

from 10.00 to 13.00 Monday and Thursday

from 15.00 to 16.30 Wednesday