
Students can withdraw from their PhD program at any time. Withdrawal cannot be cancelled or reversed. The study and activities performed prior withdrawal will be recorded in the student’s transcript, after attendance and payment of the annual fee have been verified.

PhD students can also decide to relinquish their scholarship. In this case, the scholarship or the non-accrued amount of it will be made available for the first eligible student in the list of non-recipient candidates.
The PhD student that relinquishes his or her scholarship will have to pay the tuition fees set for non-recipient Phd students.
If you decide to withdraw, please fill in the withdrawal form in the section “modulistica per dottorandi”.


Ufficio Dottorato di Ricerca

Via Oberdan, 8 - 60122  Ancona

Tel: +39 071 2202217 - 2202356 - 2202388 - 2202443 - 2202324

Fax: +39  071 2202308
email: dottorato@sm.univpm.it