EIT Climate-KIC


Climate-KIC is a public-private Knowledge Innovation Community created by the EIT, European Intitute of Innovation and Technology, focused on climate change, consisting of dynamic companies, world leading  academic institutions and  public sector organisations. EIT Climate-KIC integrate education, entrepreneurship and innovation resulting in connected, creative transformation of knowledge and ideas into economically viable products or services that help to mitigate climate change. 


EIT Climate-KIC activities are driven by four climate change themes::


Università Politecnica delle Marche is member of the EIT Climate-KIC since March 2018.



Climate KIC activities
The University takes part in the following KIC projects

Friendly Fruit

Prof. Mezzetti Bruno


CL-Hub (SGA 2019) KAVA 4.1.4 “The Learning Hub”

Prof.ssa Mazzoli Camilla

Prosumer (SGA 2020)

Prof. Fatone Francesco


Ufficio Ricerca

Via Oberdan, 8 - 60122 Ancona

email: ricerca@univpm.it

tel.: +39 071 220 2246 - 2419 - 2355



logo Climate KIC

Useful links:


Useful documents:


Events organized by UNIVPM as member of EIT Climate-KIC:


Climathon Ancona , 25&26 October 2018