Call for applications for 40 scholarships for students enrolling in free access bachelor's degree courses

A.Y. 2023/2024


The Università Politecnica delle Marche grants 40 scholarships of € 2,000.00 each to those who enrol for the first time at the University in a free access bachelor’s degree course in the academic year 2023/2024.


Amount of scholarship

€ 2.000,00 


Participation requirements

To be admitted to the selection, students must meet the following requirements:

  • have a secondary school diploma with a mark from 80/100 to 100/100 cum laude;
  • be enrolled for the first time, in 2023/2024, in a free access bachelor’s degree course at the Università Politecnica delle Marche;
  • have an ISEE (Equivalent Economic Status Indicator) 2023 certificate which is valid for financial aid for the Right to Education.


Candidates can apply for the scholarship once they have completed their enrollment at the University by submitting an online application no later than 23:59 on 15 November 2023.



Candidates can apply for the scholarship once they have completed their enrollment at the University by submitting an online application as follows:

  1. Log into your PERSONAL AREA at the following link;
  2. In the menu at the top right select “initiatives”, and then “General calls”;
  3. Click on the magnifying glass for the “40 Bachelor’s Degree Scholarships” under ”actions” to submit the application.

Closing the online application is equivalent to submitting the application and implies acceptance of the terms of admission rules.




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