Industrial Engineering

Academic Year 2022-2023


Ongoing Cycles: XXXVI (A.A. 20/23), XXXVII (A.A. 21/24) and XXXVIII (A.A. 22/25)

Coordinator: Prof. Giovanni Di Nicola

Department: Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences


1. Mechanical engineering
2. Energy engineering
3. Materials engineering

Branch: Ancona




The main objective of the Ph.D. Course in Industrial Engineering is to prepare students to independently develop and conduct research projects in academic and industrial settings through a markedly interdisciplinary approach, as required by today’s industry.

The course is organized into three curricula: Mechanical engineering, Energy engineering, and Materials engineering.

For all curricula, the characterizing element is the close integration with industrial reality, as well as a marked multidisciplinarity.

The doctoral program can attract resources, in the form of co-funded or fully funded grants, from companies interested in the development of new technologies and services, and which see in the doctoral program an important opportunity for enhancement and growth from the point of view of scientific knowledge.

With a perspective of growing internationalization, the doctoral student will be invited to carry out periods abroad, through participation in conferences, attendance at thematic schools, and visiting university institutions, companies, fairs and research centers.

Such periods abroad, even quite long ones, will allow active interaction with the world of research and enhance the personal culture.


Admission requirements


Admission to PhD programs is regulated by a public competition.

To be considered for admissions, applicants must hold a specialization / master's degree or a prior-to-reform master's degree (predating ministerial decree 509/99) or an appropriate qualification obtained from a foreign university, or expect to hold a master's degree by 31 October of the year of publication of the call.


Ufficio Dottorato di Ricerca

Via Oberdan, 8 - 60122  Ancona

Tel: +39 071 2202217 - 2202356 - 2202388 - 2202443 - 2202324

Fax: +39  071 2202308