Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Academic Year 2022-2023


Ongoing Cycles: XXXVI (A.A. 20/23), XXXVII (A.A. 21/24) and XXXVIII (A.A. 22/25

Coordinator: Prof. Bruno Mezzetti

Department: Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences

Curriculum: not provided

Branch: Ancona




The Ph.D. Course in Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences aims to provide students with the tools necessary to start a research career in different areas of agriculture, food and environmental sciences. The PhD student will gain the skills necessary to join multidisciplinary research teams. In particular, the program will deal with issues relating to innovation and sustainability of agricultural and forestry production systems, soil fertility and conservation, agricultural and forestry genetics and biodiversity, biotechnologies and genetic improvement, energy balance of crops, ecology and landscape ecology, animal biodiversity as well as food composition and microbiology of food, agri-food industry, innovative processes for food analysis, food processing and distribution. Students will become environmentally-conscious researchers, attentive to issues regarding crops, food and the environment. Such issues will be dealt with considering sustainability, quality and food safety. In addition, the course aims to stimulate the ability of the students to critically analyse, evaluate and respond to the different issues through research activities conducted also in international settings.


Admission requirements


Admission to PhD programs is regulated by a public competition.

To be considered for admissions, applicants must hold a specialization / master's degree or a prior-to-reform master's degree (predating ministerial decree 509/99) or an appropriate qualification obtained from a foreign university, or expect to hold a master's degree by 31 October of the year of publication of the call.


Ufficio Dottorato di Ricerca

Via Oberdan, 8 - 60122  Ancona

Tel: +39 071 2202217 - 2202356 - 2202388 - 2202443 - 2202324

Fax: +39  071 2202308