Life And Environmental Sciences

Academic Year 2022-2023


Ongoing Cycles: XXXV (A.A. 19/22), XXXVI (A.A. 20/23) and XXXVII (A.A. 21/24)

Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Mariani 

Department: Life And Environmental Sciences


1.Marine biology and ecology
2.Biomolecular sciences
3.Civil and environmental protection

Branch: Ancona




The overall goal is the academic training of highly qualified researchers endowed with cutting-edge technical skills and a scientific culture necessary to tackle interdisciplinary studies of complex biological and environmental systems.

The Ph.D. program is based on three curricula (Marine Biology and Ecology, Biomolecular Sciences, and Civil and Environmental Protection) that run in synchrony, although they are linked due to a substantial overlap of the groups responsible for the different research programs. In this way, disciplinary diversity is combined with coherent education that is fully functional for the advanced research activities envisaged in the Ph.D. program, but the common interests and skills of the research groups ensure the benefits of synergistic interdisciplinary interaction.


The advanced research projects that are developed within the Doctoral Course deal with most society's challenges, as described by the Sustainable Development Indicators (SDGs) in the 2030 Agenda adopted by the UN and in full coherence with the specific objectives of the National Research Program (NRP), and they fit within the research areas that characterize the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, which is the main seat of the Doctoral Course. In many cases, industrial partners or industrial districts are directly involved in the doctoral projects.


Admission requirements


Admission to PhD programs is regulated by a public competition.

To be considered for admissions, applicants must hold a specialization / master's degree or a prior-to-reform master's degree (predating ministerial decree 509/99) or an appropriate qualification obtained from a foreign university, or expect to hold a master's degree by 31 October of the year of publication of the call.


Ufficio Dottorato di Ricerca

Via Oberdan, 8 - 60122  Ancona

Tel: +39 071 2202217 - 2202356 - 2202388 - 2202443 - 2202324

Fax: +39  071 2202308