Ph.D Courses - Enrolment procedure

Admitted candidates must submit the enrolment form and the required attachments from 09th to 25th August 2023. This publication is equivalent to a notification to all intents and purposes. Applicants will not receive any further communication.


The University's offices will be closed:

  • from 10th to 21st, August 2023

It will not be possible to provide assistance with registration procedures during the closing period.


Enrollment form ad the required attachments has to be submitted through the online procedure according to the Documento in formato Adobe Acrobat"Ph.D Enrollment Guide



Please note that the payment of the enrolment fee is compulsory and failure to make payment 25th August 2023 will result in the exclusion of the candidates from the admission.



The admitted candidates must carry out this operations.

The enrollment application must be printed and signed after the online procedure. The signed document must be scanned and uploaded in the proper section.

This procedure will enable you to generate the PagoPA form to be used for the payment.

  1. The form "External Activities Declaration" must be filled in, downloaded and signed. The signed document must be scanned and uploaded in the proper section of your esse3 web account.
  2. The form "Scholarship Declaration" must be filled in, downloaded and signed. The signed document must be scanned and uploaded in the proper section of your esse3 web account.
  3. The photo for the badge issuance should be in "JPG" format have a 300 DPI resolution.  
  4. The form "Scholarship Payment and National Insurance Contrinbution"  must be filled in, downloaded and signed by applicants admitted with scholarship.International students without a "Fiscal code" may fill in this form later (After the deadline). The bank details must be included also in the reserved area according to the instructions included in Documento in formato Adobe Acrobat this guide


The following forms may be uploaded after the deadline. 


  1. Fiscal Code issued by the "Agenzia delle Entrate". This form must be uploaded only by non-italian candidates.
  2. The form "Master's degree delclaration" must be uploaded only by candidates with a Master's Degree non yet obtained at the moment of the selection no later than 08.11.2023.


The following documents must be hand delivered by appointment to the Phd Office at you arrival in Italy.

Candidates holding an Academic Qualification obtained at a University abroad must submit (according to the rules governing each single Country):

  • a copy of the degree certificate, along with its Italian translation, the authentication and a “declaration of value” (“dichiarazione di valore”) issued by the competent Italian consular or diplomatic representative for the country or Diploma Supplement or certificate of comparability and verification issued by an ENIC_NARIC center;
  • for non-EU citizens, a copy of the “Permit of Stay” or a copy of the request of the “Permit of Stay”;
  • for EU-citizens, a copy of certification of registration at the registry office, issued by the town-hall of residence;





PhD students must register by on-line procedure to INPS (Institute of national insurance contributions) in the site, path “Servizi Online – Cittadino – Lavoratori parasubordinati”.

The registration is not mandatory if students have already been registered  to INPS, also for previous activities with different commitment.

The registration must be made within 30 days of starting PhD course.


The disclosure pursuant the D.Lgs. n^ 196 of 30.06.2003 and the EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) of  27.04.2016 in the University site at the link "Privacy"  – “Disclosure made for the processing of personal data of the students enrolled in the courses at Università Politecnica delle Marche”.


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