11th European Conference on Research in Chemical Education and 22nd International Conference on Chemistry Education


22nd International Conference of Chemistry Education


July 15-20, Rome. Stimulating Reflection and Catalysing Change in Chemistry Education

On behalf of the Italian Chemical Society and of its President prof. Vincenzo Barone, it is an honour, a privilege and a pleasure to invite you to Rome in July 2012 on the occasion of the ICCE and ECRICE conference. For the first time, the two major conferences on Chemical Education will join under the same roof, that of Rome, the eternal City: we are really proud for this and we will do our best to ensure full success of the event and a wonderful Italian trip of all the conveners.

Chemical Education is constantly undergoing major changes and developments which are also connected to the changing role of Chemistry in Society and the way this science is perceived; as it always more becomes a Science where social, scientific, cultural and didactic aspects interact with each other and with other emerging disciplines such as Museology, Ethics, Communication Science.

We hope that the Rome Conference will be remembered in the future for its contribution to the growth of the quality in Chemical Education. We are working hard to assemble a high-level scientific program as well as setting up working, living and leisure conditions suitable to make ICCECRICE 2012 a memorable event.